special needs techs help please....


Senior Community Member
OK my friend is getting a foster baby who is on a vent with a trach (spelling??) what would work best car seat wise for this sweet little girl?? thanks all! she is 14 months old


Moderator - CPS Technician
OK my friend is getting a foster baby who is on a vent with a trach (spelling??) what would work best car seat wise for this sweet little girl?? thanks all! she is 14 months old

I personally would be a bit leery of using a chest clip if she's going to be ffing (I'm worried it would end up at throat level if she submarines at all) but other than that you really don't have to do anything special except avoid OHS, which you would do anyway.

Murphy's Law

New member
The vent (and any other equipment that travels with her) will also need to be secured somehow, preferably on the floor of the vehicle. I assume she will also travel with a suction machine, O2, etc.


Senior Community Member
I have talked to my friend she will rearface for a LONG time unless she should not, is there a reason she shouldn't??

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