Senior Community Member
My mom works for a charter aviation company and they offered to let me bring both DF and SIL on a ride in one of their planes. Obviously we all want to go. But none of the guys knows if you can install a seat in the airplane. Its a small 4 person plane made by sirus. its called the SR-22. Its has 4 pnt harnesses in all seats and i've never heard of anyone installing a seat into this type of belt (lapbelt that meets in the middle with 2 shoulder belts that tighten individually) no retractors just a pull tight mechanism similar to that of a race car drivers belt (sort of like a middle lap belt mech.).
I really think she would like to go but i just cant imagine her riding with no seat. I was thinking of getting her turbobooster and using the harness in the cockpit but that doesnt seem like a good idea. Its meant to fit large ppl and she is very narrow i'm worried she'll slip between the shoulder straps (heck, they just barely fit me!)
Anyone ever take kids in this type of plane?
I really think she would like to go but i just cant imagine her riding with no seat. I was thinking of getting her turbobooster and using the harness in the cockpit but that doesnt seem like a good idea. Its meant to fit large ppl and she is very narrow i'm worried she'll slip between the shoulder straps (heck, they just barely fit me!)
Anyone ever take kids in this type of plane?