Sirona s vs van



I knew going in that this car seat would be difficult. I currently have it installed with the latch system which was no problem but the seat belt? lol. That was a fight and a half.

I drive a van and am installing the car seat in the bucket seat passenger side. The issue I’m having is that when I use the seat belt to install, the van buckle either want to travel inside the car seat shell or it sits funny against the side where it then is pushed so close to the door that with the lsp active, it hits the car seat when closed.

The buckle is on a stalk that I’d call firm. I don’t think I can twist it but I’m going to check it out today. Is there anything else I can do?


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
Besides twisting, sometimes you can scoot the seat to one side or another- in this case maybe toward the center of the car- before installing.
You can also try pushing down on a different spot (more towards the child's feet or bottom would be) to vary the angle a little bit before you close the panel (keep a hand there to try and maintain it while closing) or even adjusting the captains chair forward or back on its track a little- anything you can do to change the geometry just a bit sometimes helps.

You can also contact Cybex and see if they can help. Good luck!


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
I have had a similar problem with very long, rigid buckle stalks. Between that and load leg issues, I no longer offer home service visits for this model. Definitely contact Cybex. Unless there is another seating position with a different configuration, I hope they have another option for you.

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