She's outgown this, right?


New member
She's a newly turned 4, and 35 pounds. I'm not sure on her height. It's a Boulevard 70 CS installed with LATCH in a 2004 Sequoia. TIA!

I CAN switch her into the Radian, but the RN and I have a long standing love/hate relationship. It's really a giant PITA, and my dh hates dealing with it. Lol!


New member
It's hard to tell but it looks real close. Can you post pics with the headrest below or even with the seat shell?

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
Going off the first picture, it looks like she has quite a bit of room. Hard to tell from the angle of the other ones.


New member
We have a Boulevard 70, and I was just re-reading their info to see whether DS has outgrown it. Manual says:

Use rear-facing with children:
• who weigh between 5 and 40 lbs (2.3 –
18.1 kg) and
when the top of the child’s head is at
least 1 in. (2.5 cm) below the top of the
child seat shell
(Fig. A) and
• when the harness straps are at or slightly
below the child’s shoulders

So from that standpoint - yes, looks like your DD has outgrown it RF.

Use forward-facing for children who are at least one year of age and
• who weigh between 20 and 70 lbs (9.1 – 31.8 kg) and
• who are 49 in. (124.5 cm) or less in height and
• when the top of the ears are below the top of the child seat shell
• when the harness straps are at or above the child’s shoulders,
parallel to level ground (Fig. B)

Re: distance of ears from shell - DS has more than an inch remaining, by this limit and my measurements. (Four, if I recall correctly, though that seems a lot! Short torso. :)) Your DD looks like she has a bit of room left if you want to turn her, by the same token. Could buy some time to shop around ;) (unless you prefer to keep her RF - and my guy would still actually fit his Radian RF no problem). (Pretty DD, pretty seat!!)

The seated shoulder height limits stated for the seat (same for Blvd and Blvd CS) are 12-16.5", FF (or 10-16.5", RF) and DS is currently 13" so again, he has a bit of time by this standard.

Standing height limit is 49"
and DS is 41". Weight is up to 35" RF (so DS is just under the weight limit, but his head was reaching the top of the shell).

So DS is staying in the seat, forward-facing, for now (in DH's car, so he has his main seat in my car which fits him better), and I have a (FF, harnessed) seat on order which should arrive around June 1st.

Hope that helps! :)

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