rf Clearance Question



rf Clearance Question

Is there any limit how close a rf carseat can be to the seat in front of it? Can it actually be touching it?


Re: rf Clearance Question

In some cases a rf seat will touch or lean on the seat behind it, usually the front passenger seat. This is not a bad thing and actually may help to stabilize the seat. The only recommendation I would give is not to push the vehicle seat purposely into the rf carseat but, rather, if the vehicle seat needs to be back a certain distance to accomodate a passenger to allow the rf seat to rest on the vehicle seat. However, if you find that the front passenger seat must be pushed all the way forward in order to accomodate a rf carseat you may want to consider a different carseat that isn't as large. Alternatively if you are using the rf carseat for an older infant/toddler you can lessen the recline allowing more room for the front passenger seat.


cps tech

Re: rf Clearance Question

It depends on the seat. The Century SmartMove may NOT touch the seat in front of it when used rear facing since it will actually rotate up in a crash to better protect the child. All other seats may touch the back of the seat in front of it. This can actually be a good thing in that it can help the child ride down the crash better as well as prevent over-rotation (when the rf child seat rotates forward and down in a crash). When using an infant carrier type seat, if there is not enough clearance, it might make it difficult if not impossible to put the handle down on the seat in which case you may need to choose a different child seat or different seat in the vehicle.



Re: rf Clearance Question

I also saw in the instruction manual that the new Century Avanta infant seat cannot touch the front seats at all. It operates under the same principle as the Smart Move. Since I've never seen that mentioned before, I'd appreciate it if someone can confirm this for me (I read the manual when I was very tired and stressed--sometimes you read things that aren't there in that state of mind ;) ).


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