Replacing belts after crash - need "official" rec...


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
I posted about the need to replace seatbelts used in a crash on an e-mail list, but someone needs more info. Does NHTSA or someone have something a little more official than just, "Because Ulrike said so?" :D


Ulrike, I don't know of any NHTSA information on this subject, but there are many seatbelts with load limiters on them today. One kind of load limiter is a foldover stitching pattern that pulls apart at a certain force. The pulling apart action absorbs energy and decelerates the occupant during an impact with lower applied forces.

If you are in a crash severe enough (or close enough for that matter) to stress the load limiter significantly, it's a good idea to replace the belt.

I'm not sure if this holds true for belts w/o load limiters.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
I haven't seen any-

I don't believe that seatbelts must be replaced in a crash, but they should at least be inspected and approved by the shop. I have seen a few seatbelts that have a label indication such an inspection was completed after a crash.

It's like replacing child seats after a crash. Everyone recommends it, but it's hard to find that recommendation on an "official" site.

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