Question Recs for train track


New member
I'm planning to buy a train track for my 2yr old, but not really sure where to start. The only one I looked at is Brio, and I guess it is ok. I really don't know what to look for. Any recommendation is welcome and appreciated!

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Well-known member
Brio is fine.

The only track we've had that didn't fit well with all the others was the Ikea wooden track. We've had a few different other brands (Brio, Thomas, Battat, Imaginarium, maybe others) and they all meshed well. I do find that the Battat trains (came with the table) didn't roll so smoothly as all the other trains we have. Ikea's little commuter train has been a hit since day one. It rolls just fine. :)


Gage is 6 and still likes his wooden train tracks. He did like Geotrax for a while as well, if you want something motorized.


New member
We have some Melissa and Doug wooden tracks and they've worked well. This is what we have. [ame=""]Melissa & Doug Swivel Bridge Train Set:Amazon:Toys & Games[/ame]

It has plenty to make some pretty big two loop tracks.

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