recommendations for 7 yr old


New member
Looking for recommendations for my 7 year old daughter. She is 47.9 inches tall and weighs 43lbs. She is a string bean. Currently is in a Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL. Either looking to get a seat she can stay harnessed in with booster option, or a high-back booster. Vehicle is 04 Honda Odyssey.

Thanks in advance!


Carseat Crankypants
If she is developmentally ready to use a booster properly, that's what I would buy. The Graco Turbobooster and Britax Parkway would probably fit her well.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
As long as she does that, even when sleeping, I agree on a booster. My daughters are very comfy in Safety 1st Boost Airs. I haven't really run into compatibility issues with boosters in the Ody :)


New member
We truthfully don't have many long trips to give her the option to fall asleep, just alot of in and out local traveling. but what do you mean exactly even when asleep? I would only do a high back if doing booster option..


Well-known member
Unless she's all legs, at her height, she may be close to outgrowing most of the combination seats (harness to booster). The Britax Frontier would be the exception to that. Where are her shoulders in relation to the top slots on the Radian?

If you think she's mature enough to sit properly in a booster, I'd probably choose a booster. You're in a super safe vehicle, but since it's a few years older I'd want her in a high back booster. I agree that the Graco Turbo has great fit for a kiddo her size. She's very similar in size to my 6 year old son. ;) I like the Turbo with Safety Surround. I've also been interested in the new Recaro booster. There's some posts on it here.


Senior Community Member
She's about the same height but a little thinner than my 8YO DD1. She LOVES the Recaro Performance Booster - it's her favorite booster of the 8 or so that she's used at one point or another. It fits well in our 2005 Odyssey. I also like that it has LATCH, so DD doesn't need to worry about buckling it when she gets out. (Unoccupied boosters need to be buckled or LATCHed do they don't become projectiles Ina crash.)

Here is a link to our review on CarSeatBlog - you can see how nicely the seat fits DD1:


New member
her shoulders sit approximately 1/2 inch below the top slots.

Unless she's all legs, at her height, she may be close to outgrowing most of the combination seats (harness to booster). The Britax Frontier would be the exception to that. Where are her shoulders in relation to the top slots on the Radian?

If you think she's mature enough to sit properly in a booster, I'd probably choose a booster. You're in a super safe vehicle, but since it's a few years older I'd want her in a high back booster. I agree that the Graco Turbo has great fit for a kiddo her size. She's very similar in size to my 6 year old son. ;) I like the Turbo with Safety Surround. I've also been interested in the new Recaro booster. There's some posts on it here.

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