Radian RXT headwings slipping down...


New member
My friend just bought one and I helped her install it today. The first time we got together I was showing her how to adjusting everything and went to move the head wings all the way up. They moved with 2 fingers pushing up on it with no effort. They also wouldn't stay up past a certain point. I told her to take it back; the head wings are usually a PITA to move and something's not right. She did and the store employee called Diono and they said it's supposed to be that way and parents are to adjust the screw a 1/4 turn at a time until it's the proper tightness. :thumbsdown: :eek:

We didn't get a chance to read the manual to see what it says about the head wings.


New member
Yes, just adjust the screw for the headwings. It really is fine.

Does it say anywhere in the manual you can even do this? I would have never thought to adjust it myself. That's not something I want to fiddle with. Seems a little odd to just assume that parents will do that on their own, doesn't it? :confused:


Well-known member
Does it say anywhere in the manual you can even do this? I would have never thought to adjust it myself. That's not something I want to fiddle with. Seems a little odd to just assume that parents will do that on their own, doesn't it? :confused:

No, I wouldn't expect that. But you called, and that is what you were told. People with tight headwings have been told they could loosen them with the screw. People with loose headwings have been told to tighten them. Some people have had their headwings replaced, so they have had to remove the screw, etc. I see no problem with that.


Well-known member
Hm. Interesting. :)

I just remembered she was told that they are made that way (loose).

Interesting. I've heard of a lot of people having them too tight.

I can see why it's a problem, because it's a screw that has to be adjusted just right. It's not just a "screw it in and you're done" type of screw. So there will be some variance, and having to adjust it seems reasonable.


New member
The left headwing on my RXT slips. I really hate the headwings (as does DS2) and wish I had just gotten an R120...

Anyways, Diono sent me a replacement seat.


Well-known member
featherhead said:
Yeah, to me that seems like a waste of a perfectly good seat. It's not like it was broken or anything.

Yeah but I don't think companies should be asking customers to go after potentially life saving devices with tools. I'm not saying that in this particular example it's not possible. I just don't know the details. But when companies start giving the OK to alter their seats, they may be dealing with a whole other set of liability issues

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