Question about pricing a used seat....

Nedra Ambassador
So I know the traditional formula for calculating the selling cost of a used car seat: purchase price/lifespan x years left until expiration

Does this still work on car seats with a 10 year expiration? If I bought a $100 car seat with a 10 year expiration, used it for a year, and then decided to sell it, could I really expect it to go for $90? At many retailers, you could get a new one for a bigger discount if it was on sale or you had a 15-20% off coupon.

I am asking because I have a Boulevard Clicktight that I am thinking about selling. I bought it for $296+tax and it has a DOM of 11/2014. According to the little calculation above, I should list it at $260, but it seems like it wouldn't move at that price. I mean, it is in great condition but it *is* used, so $36 off seems like a really small discount for a seat that isn't even new. Do/should seats with a long lifespan depreciate faster than the traditional calculation?

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Well-known member
It's really what your used seat market will handle. I'm trying to sell a Frontier with six years left on it for $99 which I think is reasonable and so far no bites.


Well-known member
I don't think that formula has ever been realistic. It doesn't account for actual use, wear and tear. I've always asked for less.


Admin - CPS Technician
Yeah, the formula is a nice staring point, but really that gives you the price of an UNUSED seat with X amount of time left (and even then it's still a really rough estimate). You'd still need to subtract something for wear and tear.

I've never really used the formula. I just pick a number that makes sense.


New member
A good rule of thumb is to price things at what you would be willing to pay for them yourself.

I have a Nautilus that shows hardly any wear at all. I would pay about $75 for it. But then what about shipping??? I'm going to lose on it too much I'm pretty sure.

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Active member
I've never used the formula myself, I don't think it's realistic I mostly price things for about half what I paid for them, sometimes a little more or less depending on what it is and what kind of condition it's in. I sold my two year old B Safe for $50, if it'd been a cheaper seat I probably would have sold it for $30, if at all because I gave away my Graco Snugride 32 and 35 to people who needed them.

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