Question Problems with Peg Perego 5-70 convertible


Hi there,

I just bought 2 Peg convertibles, and they were installed rear facing by a car seat tech, for my 8 mo old kids. They are 16 and 18 lbs. My problems:

1. The strap covers are so long that it's impossible to get the chest strap up to their armpits. I tried replacing the covers with JJ Cole strap covers, but they are too wide on the straps, and don't seem to work well. I tried removing the covers, and it's impossible to get the straps to not slide off - I think my daughter is just too narrow to keep them on her shoulders w/o strap covers. The store where I bought them suggested cutting the original strap covers, which I'll try today. Any other thoughts?

2. Both kids just seem miserable in this car seat. They were in Maxi-Cosi Micos, and my son was outgrowing his (they only go up to 22 lbs/29 inches and he's 18 lbs/28 inches) so I replaced them both at once. I suspect it has something to do with the infant cushion, which is at an odd angle, but required til they hit 22 lbs. My older daughter had no problems with moving from the Mico to her Britax Advocate CS. Ironically, when we went to pick up the Peg last week, one of them wasn't delivered, and they lent us a Recaro ProRide, which was my 2nd choice seat, and my son loved it. If I end up trying to return or sell these seats, any feedback on the comparison? The thing I liked about the Peg, other than the safety features, was that it was a little smaller rear facing, making it easier for my 6'2" husband to slide his seat back.

Thanks for the advice!


New member
1. Can you post a picture with the original strap covers on? Does the manual specify that they must be used?

2. Again, pictures would be helpful to see what angle the seats are installed at.

You can always blur faces if it makes you more comfortable.

Did the tech install for you, or teach you how to install it? The Recaro ProRide is a decent seat, but it has very little legroom and only a 35 pound rear facing limit.


Forum Ambassador
Welcome to! 8 months is such a cute age! My littlest is almost the same age and the rate they learn things is just crazy right now!

With regards to your strap covers, have you given Peg Perego a call to see what they suggest? I would do so before altering/cutting/swapping them.

Sent from my iPhone using Car-Seat.Org


Well-known member
1. Can you post a picture with the original strap covers on? Does the manual specify that they must be used?

2. Again, pictures would be helpful to see what angle the seats are installed at.

You can always blur faces if it makes you more comfortable.

Did the tech install for you, or teach you how to install it? The Recaro ProRide is a decent seat, but it has very little legroom and only a 35 pound rear facing limit.

I just read through the whole manual online and not a single mention was made of the harness covers except their part number for ordering. Do not cut on them, and you don't want to use any others. But since the manual does not say they are required they likely are not. If the straps still won't stay on her shoulders without the harness covers, I woudl check the strap height b/c it sounds like it may be wrong. For rear facing at or below shoulders. If it gets too far below shoulders and she's ready for the next slot the straps will not stay on very well. The manual does specifically say that if you have a problem call Peg.

Welcome to! 8 months is such a cute age! My littlest is almost the same age and the rate they learn things is just crazy right now!

With regards to your strap covers, have you given Peg Perego a call to see what they suggest? I would do so before altering/cutting/swapping them.

Sent from my iPhone using Car-Seat.Org


If you decide to return it, come back, we'll help you pick out one that will fit your needs better. The Recaro seats are perfectly safe seats, but not ones that get recommended a whole lot around here b/c there are easier to use options that last the child longer.


I'm trying to add photos of my kids in the seats and it tells me I've exceeded my image amount - sorry - will try to fix this asap


New member
You can also upload to a site like photobucket and paste the IMG code here, rather than add attachments through


Here is the link to some photos of my kids in the seats: Seat Photos/

The problem is that the strap covers are so long that I can't get the chest clip in the right spot - it the clip maybe a half inch shy of her armpit. I called Peg Perego, and they had no suggestions, other than to say perhaps wait til they are bigger. (No offense, but I'm not getting another 2 car seats for 10 lbs, then trying again. But if anyone is considering the Peg, I think it's a great seat if you're a bit bigger - if my kids were closer to 25-30 lbs, I think they'd be much happier, and the straps wouldn't be the issue they are.)

I suspect the problem is that my daughter is very narrow in the shoulders, and they slope down, so the straps fall off without covers. With the JJ Cole covers, which seem to be the best so far, the strap tightener doesn't pull very easily, so it's really hard to get the straps tight.

The other issue,that may be causing my kids to fuss, is the infant insert, which puts a triangle-shaped wedge under their bottom until 22 lbs. I wonder if that is just putting them at an uncomfortable angle?

The reason I like the Recaro, if I need to replace them, is that they tried one out while waiting for the Peg, and Josh, usually my fussy kid, loved it. Went right to sleep every time he was in it. I didn't, because it was hard to get them in/out of the seats b/c they need to be in the 3rd row if I want to let my husband ride in the front row, but I can manage that if it means safety first. I'm open to other seats, but love the SIP testing from European seats.

THanks for all your advice.


If the straps still won't stay on her shoulders without the harness covers, I woudl check the strap height b/c it sounds like it may be wrong. For rear facing at or below shoulders. If it gets too far below shoulders and she's ready for the next slot the straps will not stay on very well. The manual does specifically say that if you have a problem call Peg.

If you decide to return it, come back, we'll help you pick out one that will fit your needs better. The Recaro seats are perfectly safe seats, but not ones that get recommended a whole lot around here b/c there are easier to use options that last the child longer.

Little Angel Fire - the CST just checked her in it last Wednesday - I'm guessing she shouldn't have outgrown it - but maybe - I'll try moving it up if you can look at the pics I posted. In the Peg 5-70, the harness straps and headrest move as one, so I don't want to bump her up too much so that the headrest is too high. But the straps are now over an inch below her shoulders. Thanks!


Well-known member
I'm unable to tell from those photos exactly where the straps are hitting her height wise. Move it up one and see if it puts them above her shoulders or not. You do want the straps at or below, but she may be ready for the next one.

It is not advisable to use strap covers that didn't come with the seat b/c they haven't been tested with it.


Well-known member
Your kiddos sure are cute! I would double check the harness height, like LAF suggested. Also, make sure you are not over tightening. That can cause the harness to slip down the shoulders as well.


New member
Hi there:

This thread caught my attention, we have a Peg Convertible and have been using it since my DD was about 8 months old. She weight about 16lbs then. So about the same age and weight at your kids. However, we had no problem with the seat. The thing about the wedge is so that your child will be able to reach the bottom harness slots and "fit" correctly into the harness. The average weight in which the child will "fit" correctly without the wedge is about 22lbs (we average about 1 year in our house)...

Which setting/click do you have the seat set to? You want to make sure that the harness hits your child at the shoulders or below for RF.

Here is a picture of my DD when she was about 8 months old and 16lbs. I think her torso height was about 9" then...



New member
I just wanted to say I thought the chest clip looked okay in picture 6 with the Peg harness cover on one side and the JJCole on the other.

Personally I hate harness covers. I feel like the harness is not snug, especially with ones as fluffy as those 2 are.:) But of course, that's just me.


Just wanted to highlight this for you and hope a tech can chime in...shouldn't the line be level with the ground for proper install? Could that be affecting how the straps seem to fit?

PS. Your children are adorable!

Thanks. The car seat tech said it was better to be a little less level than add a noodle, which he said would increase instability. I'm happy to try adding a noodle, if another tech thinks that would be helpful.


New member
Just wanted to highlight this for you and hope a tech can chime in...shouldn't the line be level with the ground for proper install? Could that be affecting how the straps seem to fit?

PS. Your children are adorable!

I found this on the review
Recline Adjustments: There is one recline adjustment for rear-facing. The PV may be installed at angles between 35°-45° and there’s an angle indicator line on the side which may be used as a reference.


Did your daughter seem fussy? Our two both just don't seem happy/comfy. If I can resolve the straps issue, and they are safe, that will make me happier. But they seemed more content in the Mico and in the ProRide. Thanks for the picture. SHe looks about where Lia is.


New member
Did your daughter seem fussy? Our two both just don't seem happy/comfy. If I can resolve the straps issue, and they are safe, that will make me happier. But they seemed more content in the Mico and in the ProRide. Thanks for the picture. SHe looks about where Lia is.

LoL! Lia is my daughter's name too, she is the one who was in the picture above. Well her full name is Aurelia, but we call her Lia.

My daughter hates all carseats! She hated her Sungride and she hates her Coccoro. It doesn't matter which seat she is in, she is a car seat HATER! Bwahahahahaha...


New member
well, from what I see from the pic with one of each strap cover... the chest clip is JUST fine... it's on the lower end of fine, but it's in that correct zone. if it's over the nipple area, it's good to go...

btw, your twins are SO CUTE!


Thanks to all of you. I raised the harness strap/ headrest one click and that seems to help a lot with the fit of the straps/ strap covers. I'm going to try adjusting the angle to see if that makes the kids any happier.

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