Problem Swappers - Please Read before you Swap!


New member
Well, Haley signed in again today at 4:05, and no response. So much for trying to work things out I guess...


Do NOT let this go. Maybe post or PM us her full name so we can put some "heat" on her to follow through. Heck, didn't another member contact a scammer's Mother & DH a while back??


Admin - CPS Technician
R&J'sMom said:
Do NOT let this go. Maybe post or PM us her full name so we can put some "heat" on her to follow through. Heck, didn't another member contact a scammer's Mother & DH a while back??

I would recommend against that. Giving her personal information to a bunch of people who then contact her could be considered harassment, even of she's in the wrong. The OP has every right to pursue it on her own for as long as she likes.

She has been outed here, and likely some people will do something with that info. But this thread is meant to serve as a warning, not to create a lynch mob.

I certainly hope the PP gets her seat. :(


Admin - Webmaster
I don't like "telling" on people, but after 6 weeks, I felt I had no choice.

Thanks for taking the time to look her up.

This is the exact purpose of this thread and please also leave iTrader feedback if the transaction isn't resolved. I'm sorry to hear another member took advantage of the situation.

I would recommend against that. Giving her personal information to a bunch of people who then contact her could be considered harassment, even of she's in the wrong. The OP has every right to pursue it on her own for as long as she likes.

She has been outed here, and likely some people will do something with that info. But this thread is meant to serve as a warning, not to create a lynch mob.

I certainly hope the PP gets her seat. :(

Thank you- please DO NOT post someone else's personal information or share it with others as some form of retaliation for swap or any other forum issues.


Well-known member
I would like to thank everyone here. I have had several VERY GENEROUS offers today. And I triple thank all who offered to help.

Thankfully I can afford to buy another seat, or two, lol. Although it sucks to have to when I traded a great seat for it. I've also been selling off my stash of seats lately so that will help.

DH seen the Caitlin BLVD awhile back when I was checking out seats, and he thinks It would match our 4mo old DD's eyes perfectly, lol. I also may go over to swap and look for another Alma MR for our 2nd van, as she goes in both.

My reason for posting this to begin with is so that no one else would have her do this to them. Some people who swap don't have the funds to just buy another seat, that's why their swapping. I would hate to see someone else out a seat who could not replace it.

Anyway, thank you all again. Your a great group to make the many different offers I've had today!! I will update if something changes.



Moderator - CPST Instructor
I'm sorry that you had a bad experience..but as you're learning, we have a lot of great people here, too :)



Well-known member
I purchased a KF30 on 9/7 from SignCuer.

On 10/21 I had to open a paypal dispute because I still had not received the seat despite multiple promises that it would be shipped. :(

It has still not been shipped as far as I know. If it does not arrive by 11/9, I will have to escalate to a paypal claim and ask for a refund.

I would really much rather have the seat!

SignCuer, can you please ship it and provide the tracking number ASAP? :eek:



Well-known member
rachelandtyke said:
I purchased a KF30 on 9/7 from SignCuer.

On 10/21 I had to open a paypal dispute because I still had not received the seat despite multiple promises that it would be shipped. :(

It has still not been shipped as far as I know. If it does not arrive by 11/9, I will have to escalate to a paypal claim and ask for a refund.

I would really much rather have the seat!

SignCuer, can you please ship it and provide the tracking number ASAP? :eek:


She's posting right now. Has she been replying to your Pm's?


Ambassador - CPS Technician
I purchased a KF30 on 9/7 from SignCuer.

On 10/21 I had to open a paypal dispute because I still had not received the seat despite multiple promises that it would be shipped. :(

It has still not been shipped as far as I know. If it does not arrive by 11/9, I will have to escalate to a paypal claim and ask for a refund.

I would really much rather have the seat!

SignCuer, can you please ship it and provide the tracking number ASAP? :eek:

Boy are you patient- almost 2 months! I would probably do a PP claim ASAP.


New member
rachelandtyke said:
I purchased a KF30 on 9/7 from SignCuer.

On 10/21 I had to open a paypal dispute because I still had not received the seat despite multiple promises that it would be shipped. :(

It has still not been shipped as far as I know. If it does not arrive by 11/9, I will have to escalate to a paypal claim and ask for a refund.

I would really much rather have the seat!

SignCuer, can you please ship it and provide the tracking number ASAP? :eek:


I would escalate it now.


Carseat Crankypants
At this point I would ask for it to be shipped UPS or FedEx (with her paying the upcharge) so it will be insured and can be tracked every step of the way. I would also escalate to a claim, which I believe can be cancelled if the seat does indeed arrive.


New member
carseatcoach said:
At this point I would ask for it to be shipped UPS or FedEx (with her paying the upcharge) so it will be insured and can be tracked every step of the way. I would also escalate to a claim, which I believe can be cancelled if the seat does indeed arrive.



New member
I am having a problem with koda&phiasmama. I really didn't want to have to post this publicly, but I feel like I have been more than patient and I don't know what else to do.

We agreed to a trade 9/14/12--her used Frontier 85 for my full set of upcs to get a Britax Boulevard. I sent my end of the trade, and koda&phiasmoma let me know 9/18/12 that she had received them, then koda&phiasmoma notified me 9/26/12 that shipping the Frontier was more expensive than she realized and she wouldn't be able to ship it until the next payday (2 weeks later) unless I was willing to split shipping or she would be happy to send my upcs back. I said I'm sure we can figure something out--how much did they quote you for shipping?,

10/1/2012 I still hadn't heard back from her so I sent another message asking her to just send the upcs back....

10/2/2012 she said, "I'll get them in the mail this week."

10/22/2012 I asked for an response

10/31/2012 They still hadn't come, so I messaged her again letting her know that this was the last time I would be contacting her before escalating this.

10/31/2012 she said "I will throw them in the mail in the morning no matter what and ill message you as soon as I do."

As of today, I still haven't received the upcs or any further messages

Can somebody help me? I know she has had a lot going on with a move and hurricane Sandy, and other life changes and I totally understand that. I just want to get my upcs back and move on.

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