Problem Swappers - Please Read before you Swap!


Admin - CPS Technician
Admin did not know that it was possible to leave feedback for a non-transaction, and hopefully this can be remedied in the near future.


New member
Anyone heard from/know gbpmama ??? I paid for a True Fit cover from her 2 months ago and she never sent it, and hasn't responded to any of my emails. I don't even own a True Fit anymore !


New member
I tried to trade covers Radian covers with *Spoiledinmyhouseofblue*.

She received my cover and in a PM dated 9/16, she said she would send her cover to me on 9/17.
On 9/29 she says it was returned to her in the mail.
And on 10/15 she said it was returned again.
On 10/23 she says she will ship it out tomorrow.

I have sent 3 more PM's since then and she isn't replying to me. I have been VERY patient and accomodating but I don't think she is planning on sending me a cover anymore. :(
*Spoiledinmyhouseofblue* please send me a cover and pads or just send me Paypal money so I can buy one. Pleeeeeease.


Active member
You aren't the only one having problems with her. So is bethng *I think that's her screenname*

This sucks, and thanks for bumping up this thread. (I know it's a sticky, but unless it has a new post its burried for me. I use the New Post button like crazy)


Admin - Webmaster
If you know of someone who is having a problem, please have them post the issue on this thread and use the negative feedback option. Those are our best ways to monitor members for repeated issues and ultimately for restrictions on swap access. In the case of this member, there have been multiple reports of problems so we are aware of it. Unfortunately, beyond a ban from swap access after multiple complaints, there is not much we are able to do in order to resolve complaints.


Admin - CPS Technician
Admin, would it ever get to the point that someone is banned from the site entirely for this? A random person flaking out/scamming someone is one thing, but it's quite another when a FREQUENT poster rips off numerous other members. We have a nice little community here, and it's unfortunate that someone would take advantage of several people and still be able to post as though nothing is going on. It also makes it very hard to take someone's posts seriously.


New member
Wow. That sucks. Sorry :(
It's one thing to be ripped off by someone who never shows their face again, but when they continue to post and ignore you, that REALLY sucks.


Active member
You aren't the only one having problems with her. So is bethng *I think that's her screenname*

This sucks, and thanks for bumping up this thread. (I know it's a sticky, but unless it has a new post its burried for me. I use the New Post button like crazy)

yup. Paid for the olli jacket and never got it. Been about a month now and I am getting irritated. Spoiledinmyhouseofblue promised she sent it out priority last week. Sure. I already filed with PP.


Carseat Crankypants
Admin, would it ever get to the point that someone is banned from the site entirely for this? A random person flaking out/scamming someone is one thing, but it's quite another when a FREQUENT poster rips off numerous other members. We have a nice little community here, and it's unfortunate that someone would take advantage of several people and still be able to post as though nothing is going on. It also makes it very hard to take someone's posts seriously.

Perhaps a ban from the community area, if not the entire site?


New member
Wow. That sucks. Sorry :(
It's one thing to be ripped off by someone who never shows their face again, but when they continue to post and ignore you, that REALLY sucks.

Yeah. I posted in her holiday pictures thread yesterday asking if she got my PM's. She said no and asked me to PM her again. I did, she never replied and has since started a new thread and posted in others. :thumbsdown:


Active member
Yeah. I posted in her holiday pictures thread yesterday asking if she got my PM's. She said no and asked me to PM her again. I did, she never replied and has since started a new thread and posted in others. :thumbsdown:

oh she pulled the "I didnt get your PM's" on me too. Ya sure. whatever. I think she needs to be banned. JMO Maybe if she "isnt getting our PM's" (which I dont believe for a second) we should just post in the community members chat that we want our stuff or our money back. She sure reads AND posts there enough.
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Admin - Webmaster
Admin, would it ever get to the point that someone is banned from the site entirely for this? A random person flaking out/scamming someone is one thing, but it's quite another when a FREQUENT poster rips off numerous other members. We have a nice little community here, and it's unfortunate that someone would take advantage of several people and still be able to post as though nothing is going on. It also makes it very hard to take someone's posts seriously.

A ban from Swap access would be first. Swap is basically at-your-own-risk as specified in the announcement and sticky post. So, a total account ban is unlikely for swap issues, but it could happen. Also, a history of swap problems would certainly be considered if there were other forum guideline violations that may warrant an account ban. There are always circumstances that prevent me from saying some action would always or would never be taken, so I cant give a more definite answer.


Active member
we should just post in the community members chat that we want our stuff or our money back. She sure reads AND posts there enough.

To me, this seems like a fair thing to do. Either she pays up, or leaves without needing to be banned. She can't be here, as if nothing ever happened. :(


Active member
Just an update. I got my money back through PP from *spoiled*....although she did say over 2 weeks ago that she had mailed it priority and then again a week or so ago said "they were in the freakin mail" Well, more lies. At least I am not out any money. Hope everyone else is able to resolve their issues with her as well.


New member
Its interesting... The same time this all happened she deleted me from FB (we commented back and forth with eachother almost daily). I would venture to guess that she deleted everyone else from here as well :rolleyes:


New member
Just an update. I got my money back through PP from *spoiled*....although she did say over 2 weeks ago that she had mailed it priority and then again a week or so ago said "they were in the freakin mail" Well, more lies. At least I am not out any money. Hope everyone else is able to resolve their issues with her as well.

I'm glad to hear you got your money back, I was wondering whether she'd actually send the cover or not.
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New member
:happy-wavehello: Hey *spoiled* if you want to send me Paypal money for the cover you owe me, feel free to PM me for my Paypal address! You should still have my home address so you could always send me the cover, a check, a roll of quarters, whatever.


Admin - CPS Technician
Its interesting... The same time this all happened she deleted me from FB (we commented back and forth with eachother almost daily). I would venture to guess that she deleted everyone else from here as well :rolleyes:

She's still on here all the time, though. Having her cake and eating it, too, I guess.

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