Please help! Trouble with Honda Oddessy and car seat......



Please help! Trouble with Honda Oddessy and car seat......

I just purchased a 2001 Honda Odessy van. My 21/2 year old is about 36 pounds, so I ran out and bought a Century Breverra Metro car/booster seat....I wanted to use the 5 point harness system until she reached 40 lbs, then use it as a booster from 40 to 80 lbs. We tried to install it, but even with the tether, it won't fit snugly...the new Oddessy lap belts are forward of the crease of the seat, and the manual says that these types of seat belts are not compatible with this car seat. The car seat I have in our old car is a Century 1000, and when I read the manual on that car seat, it also said that it is not compatible with this type of seat belt. The van does have anchor hooks (are these called latches?) at the base of the seat, but neither my two year old car seat, or my new car seat has a place to attach them. So my new van is now sitting in the driveway, because I can't drive it if I can't strap my daughter in safely.

Could anyone tell me what car seat I should buy? I guess I am looking for one that is compatible with the anchor hooks. It doesn't have to be one that converts to a booster seat....I will buy another seat that goes up to forty pounds if I have to, I just need one that fits correctly!


Odyssey and Carseats

I have had no problems in our 2001 Odyssey with a variety of seats, both with the seatbelts and LATCH.

I suggest trying a few things:

1) Recline the seat back farther than the normal postion. If you're installing in the second row, move the chair back a notch or two from where you want it.

2) Make sure you've put the shoulder belt in "Locking" mode. That is, pull the shoulder belt all the way out, then when you let it go it will retract and lock. As it is retracting, put all your weight on the seat and rock in it and force as much slack back in as you can.

3) When it is as tight as you can get it, move the chair forward again a notch or two if you can. Then move the back of the seat upright again.

This should get a very tight fit on problematic seats. If it still moves more than an inch side-to-side or front-to-back when you grab it where the seatbelt routes, then you might consider having a technician check it. If you post where you live, I can post a link with some carseat checkup stations and certified technicians in the area.

I have used a Cosco Triad (Kmart, $80) with the LATCH system. It is only good up to 40 pounds, though.

I also use a Century NextStep DX combo/booster seat. I use it with the Century EZ-LATCH retrofit kit ($25, BabiesRUs). You could also try this EZ LATCH kit with your Breverra Metro. It may also work with your 1000, but only if it was made after 9/1/97.

I posted some reviews of the kit and NextStep if you scroll through the other posts below. Also, see this page for some info and photos:


Re: Odyssey and Carseats

Thanks so much! After I posted I did a bit more research on your site....I ended up running out and getting the Century EZ-Latch Retrofit kit, which I think will help. Thanks for the helpful information, we will try a few of those things also.

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