Question PlanetBox Rover in ebags Slim lunchbox?


New member
I vaguely recall that someone here used an ebags slim lunchbox with a PB? I am considering ordering the ebags lunchboxes as backups.



New member
Following. DS's PB bag is pretty trashed and I'd like to try to find something different for next year.


New member
I'm pretty sure it was Jools/Julie who had the slim. The reviews say it fits. I just ordered three, fingers crossed they fit. The dimensions seem favourable


New member
Ooh, let me know how they fit, I have never heard of those so I googled and they look great!
I love the slim cases that Planetbox has because they have the wipeable waterproof lining on the inside. I wish they would add it to the regular Rover cases too.
I may want to get them these ebags cases if the Planetbox will fit.


New member
I'm looking at these too for this school year. How did they end up working?

Is there room for a drink (Funtainer sized) next to the Planetbox in the bag?


New member
Sorry, I totally forgot to update

Yes, they fit. They are more roomy on the inside than the PB ones. But no pockets on the outside. PITA to clean (as are the PB ones).

It's a toss up. I think *I* prefer the ebags one for me -- fits better in my briefcase without the pockets. The girls prefer the pink polka dot ones for them.


New member
I'm looking at these too for this school year. How did they end up working? Is there room for a drink (Funtainer sized) next to the Planetbox in the bag?

No there is no room for a drink inside the bag I don't think. Maybe if you didn't use an ice pack? I put the PB and then snacks on top then ice pack in the pocket.


New member
Oh and I think (but haven't tried) that I could stack the round container on top of the PB inside the ebags case. Which would allow me to take more food for me.


New member
Thanks for updating! I guess I'm stuck with the Planetbox bags then :(
I need it to hold the drink. It'll get lost otherwise.

Are you liking the ebags case because the lining is wipeable?
If so, let Planetbox know that you'd love a wipeable lining in their Rover cases. The more people they hear it from, they might actually do it.
Someone commented on their facebook page that they wanted that so I chimed in and said I wanted that too.
They replied "We absolutely love to hear suggestions for new products or ways to improve our current ones.
We are a small company, and DO listen to our customer's feedback and we are always working on ways to smartly expand and improve upon our product offerings. We will definitely keep your comments in mind as we grow!"

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