Phil and Ted's Smart Buggy...SO COOL!


Admin - CPS Technician
The owner of this store came to my house and brought this for us to play with and test out yesterday (awesome customer service in part, also she doesn't have an actual 'store', lol). I put my 6.5 yo DD in it, and her head and back were comfortably supported under the it's got a TALL back! It was also a *breeze* to push her in it, as the whole contraption is beautifully balanced. The handle can be very short or VERY tall/long so it'd be comfortable for a 5 ft mom and a 6-6 dad to push.
It's definitely a great choice for a big city stroller, but I'm totally planning to get one for our annual (at least) trips to grandma in'll be great in the airport (folds super fast) and the bigger wheels should do fine for the sidewalk-less walks we take and probably the light beach trips we do...better than our much-loved-but-small-wheeled Mac Volo.

Anyway, just had to share my excitement... so what color should I get? Orange? :cool:


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Looks very cool. Not sure it would be for me, but I can see a lot of people that would use something like this.


Admin - CPS Technician
Oh yeah, definitely not the best choice for the suburban lifestyle, lol. Like trying to drive a golf cart to Costco... :D


Senior Community Member
Ohh Julie that is great! How did you score such great customer service?!?? I say get it in orange...I just got my BOB duallie Revolution yesterday in orange and it looks so great!



Admin - CPS Technician
It was so funny, I just emailed her because the retailer locator I used said she was only 6 miles from my zipcode, and she called me right away! (She's a mom just like so many of us, with a cool love of baby gear and adorable kids, lol).

Ooh, an orange BOB duallie... sweeeeet!:D


Im in Ireland and viewed this Smart buggy.I want to purchase one in red.But i have 2 concerns.

1. One site says max weight 33lbs another site says up to a 4 year old.33 lbs is very low surely a child of 2-4 weighs more than this.If you have anything in the basket would this have to equal the weight of child combined to 33lbs?

2.If the buggy is stationary(brakes on)and child moves or has a tantrum would the buggy fall over?

Looking foward to the response to these questions....


Senior Community Member
I this at a park in Brooklyn last weekend! :p

Another mom had a different Phil & Ted's stroller -- a nice jogging stroller with swivel front wheel & a strange sort of hammock for smaller baby underneath the regular seat for bigger kid....


Admin - CPS Technician
Unregistered said:
Im in Ireland and viewed this Smart buggy.I want to purchase one in red.But i have 2 concerns.

1. One site says max weight 33lbs another site says up to a 4 year old.33 lbs is very low surely a child of 2-4 weighs more than this.If you have anything in the basket would this have to equal the weight of child combined to 33lbs?

2.If the buggy is stationary(brakes on)and child moves or has a tantrum would the buggy fall over?

Looking foward to the response to these questions....

sorry! i don't get by here enough! 33 pounds is 'average' for a three yo... my 45 pound 6 yo fit fine in it and i could still push it, so i'm not sure id stress out about a 40 pound 4 yo in it, personally (im no sure why the limit is so low, i guess they had to pick something and run with it).

hmmmm... i hadn't pondered the problem of the tantrummy toddler... i'll have to get it out today and try to tip it and get back to you on that (i decided to get a combi with a cushy recline for my 4 mo baby and hid the sbuggy from dh for the time being, lol)


Well-known member
The owner of this store came to my house and brought this for us to play with and test out yesterday (awesome customer service in part, also she doesn't have an actual 'store', lol). I put my 6.5 yo DD in it, and her head and back were comfortably supported under the it's got a TALL back! It was also a *breeze* to push her in it, as the whole contraption is beautifully balanced. The handle can be very short or VERY tall/long so it'd be comfortable for a 5 ft mom and a 6-6 dad to push.
It's definitely a great choice for a big city stroller, but I'm totally planning to get one for our annual (at least) trips to grandma in'll be great in the airport (folds super fast) and the bigger wheels should do fine for the sidewalk-less walks we take and probably the light beach trips we do...better than our much-loved-but-small-wheeled Mac Volo.

Anyway, just had to share my excitement... so what color should I get? Orange? :cool:

So, did you get the smart buggy? I was wondering if you can tell me how you like it. I still can't quite understand how it works, I guess I should go try it in a store, but do you stroll it without the front wheels? like you have to lift it up so the little legts are in the air? is that easy? It seems like such a good idea for city moms but I'm still confused and I haven't seen any around in the street... please let me know if you like it.


New member
Ok, that is one FREAKY setup!

I wonder how they convinced the mom of the first child to sit in it that it would be completely safe to 'try it out', especially when switching the wheels with the kid IN the seat! :eek:

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