Opinions Please - Would a Different Car Seat Help?


New member
My 10.5 month old is about 17 pounds and 28 or 29 inches. He is currently rearfacing in an Evenflo Triumph 5. More and more lately getting him into his carseat is a battle (arching his back, screaming, etc.).

I know he doesn't want to be strapped down, but I'm also wondering if the carseat itself might be part of the problem. Getting him into the darn thing is just downright difficult - he's still on the first harness setting (and nowhere close to being able to move up) so it's hard to get the straps up over his shoulders. The crotch strap is so far away from his body (even on the inner setting) that he slouches down in the seat. Between the slouching and the doubled upper straps, it's nearly impossible to tell if the harness is snug enough.

Both of my older boys used a Triumph 5 when they were babies and I loved it, but they were also bigger than this little guy and I do wonder if his size isn't part of the problem.

I guess I'm just wondering if he might do better in a different seat - one with a crotch snap that's a little closer to his body, a couple extra harness settings, and a harness that's a little easier to adjust. What do you think?

I could move him into either a Radian 65 or an Evenflo Triumph Advance if either might be a better option for him. It would require moving my 6 year old to a high back booster full-time which I didn't really want to do yet, but I will if it means making the baby more comfortable. I didn't know about extended rearfacing with the older two, but now that I do, I would like to keep this little guy rearfacing for awhile yet...preferably without the screaming though.


Senior Community Member
I could move him into either a Radian 65 or an Evenflo Triumph Advance if either might be a better option for him. It would require moving my 6 year old to a high back booster full-time which I didn't really want to do yet, but I will if it means making the baby more comfortable.

It's possible that he's just uncomfortable, and it's also possible that he's going through a phase and simply doesn't want to be restrained. Since you already have the two other seats, why not try them out with him when you go somewhere without your 6YO? That way you don't have to put the older child in a booster, and if your baby likes the other seats better, perhaps you can buy another seat for him rather than moving the 6YO. :twocents:


Well-known member
Getting him into the darn thing is just downright difficult - he's still on the first harness setting (and nowhere close to being able to move up) so it's hard to get the straps up over his shoulders.

Just wanted to add-

When rear facing, the shoulder straps need to be EVEN with or BELOW the shoulders.

When forward facing, the shoulder straps need to be EVEN with or ABOVE the shoulders.

I agree, it's probably just a stage where he doesn't want to be restrained. They all have this stage and it down right stinks. Hopefully if you are consistent (which obviously there's no other choice) he will soon realize that he must be in his seat in the car and he will outgrow it soon.

Good luck! :)

You could try what BookMama suggested. Try out the other seats without your older child in the car.


New member
Just wanted to add-

When rear facing, the shoulder straps need to be EVEN with or BELOW the shoulders.

When forward facing, the shoulder straps need to be EVEN with or ABOVE the shoulders.

I just wanted to confirm that the straps are below his shoulders :). This particular carseat really only has two harness positions for rearfacing and he's kind of between the two. It seems like when I tighten the harness straps, they pull down on his shoulders causing him to slouch even more (this is where the crotch strap being so far from his body comes into play) and making it difficult to get the harness properly snug.

If I can get the picture to work, here's what I'm talking about with the crotch strap:


This is one of the reasons I thought that the EFTA with the infinite harness or the Radian (because it has more rearfacing harness positions) might work better for him.


New member
What is the angle like? if it is 45 degrees, I would change to closer to 30 degrees.

I removed the towel from the seat bight and reinstalled the carseat without it. Could someone please check the angle to see if it's okay?


He did seem a little happier this afternoon after I adjusted the angle. The harness adjustor knobs are harder to get to which is a pain but it's still doable. I've also been loosening the harness quite a bit before I put him in the seat, then tightening it once he's buckled and that seems to help a bit too. He hasn't been fighting the carseat so much today so I take that as a good sign. If we continue to have problems after these changes, I'll try him out in the Radian one day when his brother is at school.

Thanks for the suggestions :).


New member
I think the angle looks fine for a 10.5 month old as long as his little head does not fall forward & he has good head control. He will most likely be much more comfortable with the more upright angle now. Good Luck!


Well-known member
Because of the double harness straps, you don't have to loosen them every time. If you'll use those straps by loosening them at the collar bone (pull out on the doubled strap and then snug it back up after it's over his shoulders), it won't require using the knobs. That's the "memory harness" feature that some love and some really hate. We love it and have an older EFT, too, as well as a newer one for our older child.




New member
Because of the double harness straps, you don't have to loosen them every time. If you'll use those straps by loosening them at the collar bone (pull out on the doubled strap and then snug it back up after it's over his shoulders), it won't require using the knobs. That's the "memory harness" feature that some love and some really hate. We love it and have an older EFT, too, as well as a newer one for our older child.



I did not know that! Thanks for the tip - I'll try it next time we're in the car.


New member
It could just be a phase but my experience with the older Triumph is that it can be really hard to get the harness on a baby who is between the first and second straps. Even with a very cooperative baby I have a hard time getting the shoulder straps to be on both shoulders. I would try a different seat, it may not solve the crying/struggling but at least it will be easier to get the harness on.

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