Question Odyssey 8 seater


New member
We are considering an odyssey 8 seater (probably years 2014-2016 years) and I'm wondering thoughts on
1. If diono radian rxt's fit in the seats both rear and ff. I've heard they don't fit well on the back bench as well as the middle seat, 2nd row
2. Combination of how you would set up a 4 year old ff (diono), 2 year old Rf (diono) and a baby in a maxi Cosi piazzo bucket seat



CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
That is correct, Diono convertibles don't install well in the third row or second row center. In most cases they have to go second row outboard.

I don't know if that bucket would fit center. If not, the only thing to do would be fold down or remove the center seat and put the baby in the third row (likely center.)


New member
Thanks. You at they don't install well - do you know if eventually they do and it's just complicated/difficult or is it more of a "not at all possible" kind of thing.



New member
I've found that a RF Radian with angle adjuster works great outboard 3rd row, although it's not particularly convenient for loading.

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