Next Fit Pics


New member
UPDATE: Install pics in post #32 and #34

My husband found one in store this evening and very kindly snapped some pics...

Headrest up:


Close up of Gemini fabric:

If he can get the 20% off coupon to work, I'll be back with more pics later.
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Active member
What an awesome DH! My DH would never go out of his way for carseats stuff for me.

The purple is very pretty.


New member
Does this have a no-rethread harness adjuster? If so, maybe I can find a super deal and/or a bunch of money and then put it in the car for multiple kids... What's the top harness position?


New member
Does this have a no-rethread harness adjuster? If so, maybe I can find a super deal and/or a bunch of money and then put it in the car for multiple kids... What's the top harness position?

The model that was previewed had 17.5" top harness. It looks great for multiple kids. If you need a seat for ff kids, the new Frontier 90 looks like it will adjust from the front too. Still a few months of suspense on that one.


New member
I bought a Gemini this evening as well. I will try to post some pics tomorrow. The Gemini one is so pretty. The other one at my store was grey and grayish brown,....obviously a cover designed by a man. Not at all attractive.

I installed in the Altima easy. Now to put my 2 yr old in and take some photos in the morning.


New member
Not just grey and brown, but several different combinations of gray and brown to choose from!...:eye roll: MUST have been a man.

Can't wait to see pics!


New member
All I can say is - "Holy cushy seat Batman!"

I haven't installed it in my car yet, or even sat a child in it, but I think I'm in love.

By my measurement, harness height is 17" with the headrest extended to the highest position (but don't quote me on that because I've never done this before). The seat pad is really cushy, so you might gain a little bit of room when it's compressed.

First impressions:
I love how the seat has built in storage for everything...the instruction manual, the top tether, the LATCH straps. The color is gorgeous (kind of an eggplant purple). Harness adjuster is like butter. Recline is super simple to adjust. All around it's a really pretty, really well-made seat. And it's HEAVY!

The cupholder is kind of "meh" though.

I'll try to get pictures with kids (16-month old and 4-year old) and in the car tomorrow. If there's anything specific you want to see, please let me know. I have a SK Radian 65 and a Scenera that I can compare it to. It'll be going into the drivers side captain's chair in an '07 Ody.


Well-known member
Oh man I love that purple color.

I'd like one for my son when he turns 2 (omg, I can't believe that's happening). I'd like to see your littlest in it to see how the head slump is.


New member
Yeah, I totally do :p

Unfortunately DH has banned me from buying more car seats after my most recent...acquisitions. But I will obtain that zebra FR90 somehow.


Ambassador - CPS Technician
Can you do a head room comparison with your 4yo in the Radian and NextFit? Even if he's over the top, it would be useful.

I'm... really not in the market and yet... I'm curious...

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