New organization for Shopping forums


Admin - Webmaster
As you will notice shortly, the Shopping and Deals forum will be re-arranged slightly.

The main forum will be for all discussions of Carseats, Travel Systems, Strollers and related accessories. Practical discussions of carseats should remain in one of the upstairs forums, however.

The first sub forum will be for all other Kids and Baby Gear, including diapers, clothes, furniture, carriers, rockers, high chairs, etc.

The next forum is for discussions of all other products, including toys, games, electronics, household items, etc.

The remaining forum is semi-private, similar to the Community Member Coffee Break forum. Content will not be visible to the public or search engines. So, you can share one-time use codes with other community members and subcribers, friends and family special offers, co-op purchases or shopping related comments you may not want to share with everyone.


Admin - Webmaster
Please also consider NOT using advertisement blocking software or features when browsing Car-Seat.Org. Google network ads and Amazon ads are the main source of support for the forums, as we have lost sponsors and reduced subscription rates in recent years. Visiting advertiser's websites and making purchases through their ads and links here helps support Car-Seat.Org at no additional cost to you!

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