Question New backup car seat?


Our backup car seat is an evenflo that goes up to 40 lbs ffing. Our 3.5 year old got measured and I think we will need a new one soon. Ideas?

We keep it in husband's dodge caliber in case he needs to drive one kid alone, and have moved it to our Honda odyssey when a carseat needs cleaning. We are planning on replacing the Caliber with a small sedan in the next year or so- we bought it before we had kids and realized how much room rfing car seats need!

We have 3 kids in carseats - 2 rfing 9 mo infants and 1 ffing almost 40" 3.5 year old - she is 34 lbs. Ideally it'll be a quick install, so we can flip it ffing or rfing, and easy to move sizes (no rethreading harness to adjust.)

I'm thinking we could move the 3.5 year old to a new harness to booster (recaro prosport or something like that) and move her britax advocate cs to the backup seat - it doesn't expire for another 3 years, at which time the little ones will be over 4 and we could move to a booster backup. I'm open to other suggestions. Price isn't the end all factor, but I'm not interested in buying a Foonf-priced seat that gets used less than an hour a week.

Fwiw - the 3.5 year old has shown no interest in buckling herself in, so I don't anticipate her being in a HBB on her 4th birthday, but more staying in a harness style.



New member
If you like the Advocate and it's easy enough for you to change RF to FF then I would likely go that route.

For the 3 year old I would look at Evenflo Maestro, Evenflo SecureKids 300 or 400, Graco Nautilus or Argos, Britax Frontier and Recaro ProSport.

Most children aren't ready to move to a booster at 4 years old because they simply can't sit correctly all the time, but given her current weight she'll likely make it to at least age 5 or 6 in any of the above seats.


New member
I'd go with the evenflo triumph 65 or evenflo momentum. No rethread harness so all you would have to do is flip and reinstall if he takes one of the twins. Does he ever take the twins together? if so, you may want to get two.

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