Need some girls' dress shopping help ASAP!


New member
My brother and future SIL have 6 nieces. 2 are in the wedding (junior bridesmaid and flower girl) and the other 4 are taking part somehow in a "ring warming ceremony" in the beginning of the wedding (not quite sure what that is yet). They want the 4 non-wedding party nieces to all wear similar dresses.

Today my older brother sent me a message that my future SIL's nieces got their dresses. They are from Sears and currently on clearance. They are these dresses:


DD doesn't like glitter or sequins, though. I'm looking for a similar style (knee-length, sleeveless, no spaghetti straps) in a solid pastel color, in a size 10. No mint, no pink, and no blue (that includes aqua apparently). I guess that leaves lavender, peach, or pale yellow?

My brother wants me to choose a dress for DD within the next two or three days so they can return to Sears and buy a dress for my other niece (my little bro and SIL can't afford to get her dress) that isn't the same color as DD's.

I looooove this dress, but they said no blue or aqua because that's what the wedding party is wearing.

Budget is $40.

(Also, what pastel colors go best on a kiddo who is fairly tan by the end of summer?)


Well-known member
I love coral with tan skin. This is a smidge out of budget, but this is what I was picturing. [ame=""] Girls Asymmetric Ruffles Satin Flower Dress: Clothing[/ame]

Or lilac ...
[ame=""] Sweet Kids Girls Shimmering Pleated Crystal Taffeta Flower Girl Dress: Special Occasion Dresses: Clothing[/ame]


New member
Thanks everyone for the input! My head is spinning.

So, new (annoying) info, is that lilac/lavender and champagne are out, too. :hitselfonhead: I honestly don't get the whole "no pastel blue and no pastel purple" when their wedding colors are peacock blue and dark purple.

I showed DD coral dresses and she doesn't like the color coral. :banginghead:

I am so over this wedding. :twitch: But anyway, that narrows things down to yellow, peach, silver (light silver) or "a different shade of pink".

We have gone to A LOT of stores in the last 2 days, and pretty much everyone is either out of stock of Easter dresses on clearance or (in the case of Burlington or Sears) are out of size 10s. I've been on eBay and various stores online all day perusing and thinking.

We've found a very pale pink, very pretty dress on eBay. I'm currently the high bidder (ends tomorrow) at a whopping $9 including shipping... so if we win it and don't like it, not a huge loss (and easy to sell). DD also spotted a yellow dress (it's yellow with a white lace overlay so it looks butter colored) she liked so we're watching it (ends in 3 days). I'll update once we reach a final decision. In the meantime, all suggestions are entertained and welcome!

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