Need help with this small-plane trip!

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
In late May, I will be flying down to Seattle with both kids. We will be on an AngelFlight plane. Their regulations are that one adult could fly with DD, but I called and asked about taking along DD1 as well, since DH works weekends and we wouldn't have child care for her. They said she is light enough that I could take her.

So, I'm thinking of getting a Scenera for DD2 for the trip. The issue is what to do with DD1. She will be a month away from her 4th birthday on this trip. Should I get a CARES harness for the flight, or just have her in the lap belt? My mom will be picking us up, and we'll have her car for the week we'll be down there. I'm really temped to booster her for this trip :eek: but I won't. She's too young and she's only 32 pounds. I guess our only option is buying a Nautilus online and having it shipped to mom's house, even though we really don't have the $$ right now :(


CPST Instructor
I have never been in one of the angelflight plane, but this is the same type of plane my dh flies regularly. We don't have a CARES, but dh's cousin uses them for his 2 kids on their plane all the time (I married into a family of pilots). I know a GN, BLVD, RA, and I imagine an EFTA all fit well in the seat

Here are couple of pics the kids in the plane we usually fly

*Contains miss-use - low chest clip and RF RA on a rear facing seat (I discussed this here and it was decided that weight and balance of the plane overrode

This is what the kids look like shortly after take off
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Well-known member
Take the EFTA for Scarlett on the plane and put Mali in the belt on the plane. Have your mom pick up a scenera. Put Scarlett in scenera and Mali in the EFTA.

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
The thought of traveling with that thing scares the bejezzus out of me :eek:. It might work though...I'll have to check and see where she's at in the EFTA. Last time she was in it she was pretty close.

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
Probably 17.5? I haven't measured in awhile.

We have a Regent, TF, MA, and EFTA.

I was thinking of taking the Scenera since it's so light. It will be me, 2 kids, our suitcase, a carseat, and I'll be 8 months preggo.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member

Any chance of an Apex in the car you'll be in? Whereabouts will you be going? Maybe one of us on the board is in the area and has a seat you could borrow? If she was 35 lbs. I'd offer my RSTV for the trip.

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
Mom has a Taurus, so the Apex would be fine, but I thought the Apex had top slots similar to the MA's.

We're going to the Seattle/NW WA area.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
It really depends on the car... In some I get 17 1/2, in some I get 15 1/2. It's a very variable seat. So it would only really be an option if you'd had it in that car and knew whether you gain or lose height in it. :shrug-shoulders:

I know we have lots of folks in Seattle... Maybe one has a Regent or Nauti you can borrow... :whistle:

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
Hm, yeah I never thought to try one. That's what I get for not trying out every single car seat in every single car :p.


New member
Depending on what dates, or maybe even not depending all that much, I'd be willing to loan you our Nautilus. We're driving down towards Portland, probably, over Memorial Day weekend- I'd rather have DD1 in the Nautilus for that, but she's really very fine in a booster seat and I'd be OK with it.

We live very close to SeaTac, and near-enough to Boeing Field if you're flying in there.


New member
Oh. Bellingham's a bit of a hike- about 100 miles. Maybe there's someone further north who could help you, or your mom and I could arrange to meet up somewhere before you get here.

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
Mom's in the middle between B'ham and Everett ;) I'm sure she could swing down to Everett. I'm not sure on the exact dates yet, but I will let you know when I find out :)


New member
Let me just add that with Angelflight it's individual pilots that donate their time and planes to fly people. So, they all fly different planes. My husband works in aviation and has several customers that do Angleflights on a regular basis. What I would do is see if you can find out what plane the specific pilot that is flying you guys has. For instance, I know some Cirrus pilots fly angelflights and they are four-seaters with four point harnesses in the front AND back seats. If that was the case you would have to sit in front because they have airbags on the front harnesses that don't allow car seats to be used there. (They are also one of the safer planes as far as safety features.)

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
Yes, that's the trouble, and we won't know what plane it will be until right before the flight. I have been in contact with them but we can't even request the flight until a week before we go.


CPST Instructor
unless you can borrow or rent a cares pretty cheap, I guess I would just use the seat belt for dd#1 (you will be sitting close enough and will be able to make sure she stays seated).

For when you are in Seattle area, I would either see if you can borrow a reliable seat or buy a GN or RSTV.

Actually - I have a small RSTV and if you want to pay for shipping, you can borrow it while you are there (either ship it to you or someone over there that can meet you at the airport).

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