Question Need help with narrow backless boosters - Canada



We're having #5 in August and cannot afford a new vehicle at this point. So we're stuck with a Dodge Grand Caravan 2007. :/

Currently kids are:
10.5 and 90th percentile+ for height and weight; currently in a Britax Parkway SGL
9 and 75th percentile for height, 50th for weight; currently in a Britax Frontier harnessed
6.5 and 50th for height and weight; currently in a Britax Pioneer
4.5 and 75th for height and weight; currently in a Britax Marathon

We don't currently have an infant seat so are open there (in case best option is baby in 3rd row) and to backless booster options.

I'm guessing it will be younger two in 2nd row in Britax Pioneer and infant seat--->Marathon (my kids outgrow infant seats quickly).
Then... ? Three oldest across the back? As middle seat doesn't have a shoulder belt, middle kid goes there in Frontier and uses the tether spot. Mifold on either side?

We could just put the Frontier and Parkway SGL in the car for occasional use and buy a narrower seat (NEEDS to be affordable) for 6.5yo in the van.

I really liked the idea of Ride Safer Vest for 9yo but as it needs to be tethered we can't as the tether in the third row will be in use. I know the Mifold isn't much loved at all by car seat techs I've talked to.. are there any other ideas? Options?


New member

I think you might really need 3 new car seats, not 1. But they’ll all be inexpensive.

Your Britaxes are all pretty wide and not friendly to 3 across.

The best solution I know of for a Caravan with a lap belt only in the center is:

1) Evenflo Sureride in the center.
2) Evenflo Amps outboard. That means at least 2 kids in boosters, whichever 2 (excluding the 4 year old, ideally) fit best.

Note that this violates an undocumented Evenflo “rule”—the Amps sort of fit under the Sureride, which sits up high on a base, which some Evenflo engineers have objected to—but there are really limited options that work here.

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