Nautilus vs Elite vs Argos


New member
Can anyone give me some distinctions between these 3 seats? Graco's website is not any help. It eludes they have the same ht and depth, so do they use the same shell for all 3?

Differences in ability to adjust harness upfront while installed?

Diff. in harness heights? (the car seat data forum has some ranges for seat height and harness heights that seem inconsistent if it's the same shell)

Diff. in plushness of fabric?

And what is the rule about the infant inserts? There is no way this is an infant seat, so can those ever be used?



New member
The Elite, I believe, has lockoffs, which are great if you will be installing with a seatbelt in an older car. The Argos has a no-rethread harness.


New member
The Elite, I believe, has lockoffs, which are great if you will be installing with a seatbelt in an older car. The Argos has a no-rethread harness.


I believe I have to use seatbelts for any seats, because Honda requires the LATCH cease being used when the child hits 40#. And my son did that several months ago :(


Admin - CPS Technician
If your vehicle is new enough to have LATCH, it has locking seatbelts. The Nautilus generally installs quite nicely with seatbelts, so I wouldn't make the decision based on lockoffs, as you likely won't need them.


New member
The Argos adjusts by moving the headrest up. It feels to me that you lose harness legnth in it compared to the Nautilus because its one slot and the headrest just covers above where you have it. I've noticed with ours the cover slips a lot more than the Nautilus does.


New member
Thanks everyone for your input. I found a deal on the Argos that makes it about the same price as the nautilus, and I would much rather have the up front harness adjustment without having to uninstall the seat.

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