Question name labels?


New member
Anyone here have a fave company? The options are so vast I don't know where to start. I have a boy and girl, they both need clothing labels, never used them before. School me?


Well-known member
Emily Press labels. I have the peel n stick ones, and they're fabulous. They're in Canada though so FYI if you pay with a card that charges forex fees (oops).


New member
I've used both Mabel's Labels and Name Bubbles. I prefer Mabel's Labels for quality (stick better) but like the variety in designs that Name Bubbles provides.


New member
We use Name Bubbles. I love them! I've only done the tiny rectangle labels (love) and the laundry safe clothing labels (okay). Just ordered some for DS2 today!


New member
Another vote for Oliver's Labels. I was cleaning out the kids' toys and found an item that has had a label on it for 5 years. It still looks in perfect condition.


New member
Another vote for Name Bubbles! We've used them for over 4 yrs now. I love that their packs often include the labels for shoes.

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