Question Most durable kid pants


Active member
I need to buy Levi some jeans and cargo pants for school, last year I resorted to buying $10 target jeans for him because they were only lasting him a few weeks before putting holes in the knees. He is soooo hard on pants. I want to buy him something that will last. In the past I've tried Old Navy, Children's Place, and Target with no luck. I just want basic, straight leg, dark wash jeans and basic cargo pants with maybe a few different color choices. He wears either a 4T or 4 reg. and his legs are fairly short. Oh, and I don't like carpenter jeans :p.


New member
Have you tried Lands End? The knees are reinforced. And if he still manages to put a whole in his jeans, you can return them at any time.
WalMart has some sort of guarantee on their clothes that kids will outgrow it before it is worn out. Maybe try that? Or Gymboree? I have found their jeans to be very sturdy. Or you could sew denim patches on the knees of his jeans?


Active member
I will look into Land's End, those will have to be ordered online though. I like the reinforced knees. He doesn't grow very quickly so if they really are durable and will last like I'm hoping, I think they're worth the price. I can check out Gymboree too, we have one of those in town.


Active member
Gymboree was probably one of the quickest to wear holes for us. Most of what I've found there is the softer denim, or styles that are distressed, which makes them not as durable.

I've found that regardless of the brand, the darker washes tend to last longer....they are stiffer, but more durable. We've had the best luck with Old Navy, but I know not everybody does.


Active member
Gymboree was probably one of the quickest to wear holes for us. Most of what I've found there is the softer denim, or styles that are distressed, which makes them not as durable. I've found that regardless of the brand, the darker washes tend to last longer....they are stiffer, but more durable. We've had the best luck with Old Navy, but I know not everybody does.
Old Navy is one he can wear through in less than a month. I never buy 'distressed' jeans or light colored ones, I always get the darkest wash I can find because they absolutely last longer.


New member
We find osh kosh wear really well. He wore out the knees in Childrens places ones but not the osh kosh. They just had the jeans on door buster so $12 a pair


Well-known member
I love how my Oshkosh stuff has held up! Everything except the one swimsuit I've purchased there has always aged very well.


New member
Uuuggghhhh my DS ruins pants in a week to! It's SO frustrating lol

We had 2 pairs of GAP last almost through the school year which was awesome! Calvin clien from Costco (they come in a set with 2 shirts) are still going strong! I'm going to buy a few sets this year & just more GAP.

ON & TCP were down right awful for holey knees.


New member
My ds1 tears holes in his pants so fast! For jeans, I found that the Crazy 8 dark wash straight leg jeans held up better than others. As a bonus, I got them for $8 a pair last fall on sale with a coupon.

I've heard great things about the lands end pants. We may have to try them this fall, but they are pricey. However, if I could actually pass them down to Ds2, it may be worth it!

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