Minor Collision - Need advice


Active member
So, I was in a minor collision today and now need seat suggestions. Will not be going through insurance most likely as damage to both vehicles is under $500 (other then I have some seats to replace).

Stats in signature are fairly up to date.

MyRide and TrueFit are crashed.

I now have a scenera (will be outgrown in milliseconds), symphony (30lb RFing version), 47lb maestro and britax marathon (1st gen). I also have a couple of low back boosters.

Am I crazy to buy my 6 year old some high back boosters at the moment, and just spread out the maestro, symphony and marathon for the 3 year old?

This whole collision has messed up my car seat and 3 across plans. Blah!


Moderator - CPST Instructor
I'm glad it was minor and hopefully no one was hurt :( Crappy way to start a long weekend.

If it were me...I'd put the 6 year old in a booster, and maybe get a Radian for the 3 year old. I see s/he is RF in one of the vehicles and they're on sale at Sears this week (RXT for $288, R100 for $220). Guessing it will come in handy in a 3-across so maybe jump on the deal right now? If Storm/Shadow aren't your thing then Rugby is on for $306 at Snugglebugz or Amazon.ca.

You don't currently have anything that will RF an extended time, so the Radian will be useful with the newbie down the line, as will its narrowness. You probably know that your Marathon has a 32" RF height limit (I think...)

I have no idea what you drive of course but that's the direction I'd be leaning!


Active member
I drive a 2011 Ford Fusion.

Storm or Shadow would look better in my car then Rugby (because that matters eh :rolleyes:).

I was nosing around online last night (before you posted even) looking for sears.ca coupon codes to drop the R100 to $200 as usually they have a $20 off $200 (or something to that effect).

I'm thinking of picking up a pink (whatever the new ones are call) parkway sg for the 6 year old in my car, and maybe a purple monterey in the van, but she's pretty thin all over (especially though the shoulders) I'll want to try before I buy. My hubby really wants something that connects by UAS so he doesn't need to remember to buckle when not occupied.

I'm not too worried about the 32" limit on the Marathon as it expires in Dec 2014, so yeah -- probably will be curbed well before they either fit into it or are 32".
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