Mazda5 cargo space


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While using the 3rd row, what can you really put back there? What double stroller do you have? Have you road-tripped in it with 5+ people?

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New member
I can put a Baby Jogger City Mini Double in the back. Several singles fit as well. I have a P3 in there currently. Or a small load of groceries if no stroller. We just got back from a 900 mile road trip with 6 in it (3 kiddos in carseats and 3 adults). It was fine. We were comfortable. We have a Thule roof box for our luggage, etc.


Active member
I don't have a double stroller but I have a Britax B-Agile which fits beautifully. I would assume the B-Agile double would also fit but would probably take up the majority of the back, my single takes up about half the area. Without the stroller I can get a small/medium sized grocery trip's worth of groceries in the back.


New member
we have traveled with 5 and my phil and ted explorer with the extra seat fits in the excess space where the 6th seat is, i do make sure i have it tied down as a precaution for the kid in the 3rd row. We also have a roof box for when we need to travel with a full car load of people

soph's mom

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I'm am hoping to have one of these by the end of the year and the general consensus I've seen is that the roof box is a very valuable add-on!


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I don't use strollers. We've driven across the US and back a couple times with 2 adults and 3 kids in seats- with a rooftop cargo box. Now that there are 6 of us we don't attempt that as an adult can't sit in the back to entertain the babies. All 6 of us and our gear can go camping- with a rooftop cargo box and a location not several hours from home (see: no one entertaining the baby in the back).

When pregnant with #4 I thought I'd need the rooftop cargo box for groceries! But we've been fine. Granted we are mindful of our footprint so we're not avid consumers.


New member
I find it small. I haven't tried to fit a stroller back there as we don't use the back row very often, but it seems tiny.

If you don't have this car yet, I would think hard about it. I bought this car in order to have extra seats. We only have 1 child but we also only have 1 car so I wanted it just in case. It does come in handy but if you are thinking of putting several small children in car seats in this car, take a closer look. It is technically possible to fit 4 car seats in this car, but it takes a lot of finangling.

if you have car seats in the middle bucket seats, the Mazda manual REQUIRES you to have the seats pushed all the way back. That makes it impossible for a person to sit in the third row behind that seat (although you might be able to fit a car seat).

Take a look at this video from Car Seat Blog. It shows the space accurately.
[ame=""]2012 Mazda 5 Kids and Carseats Review - YouTube[/ame]
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New member
I don't need a crap ton of space. I am in a T&C now and it's too much and I'm tired of being up so high. DS is nearly 8yo and mainly backless. SO and I aren't very big and don't plan on any future children being very big either. So it's just the three of us now and occasionally his 3yo nephew. I just want to be able to haul 2/3 kids and all our stuff 4/500 miles without everyone cramping up in the back seat.

My big dilemma is do I want 6 seats and little cargo space? Or do I want all 7 seats and more cargo space? SO wants to consider the Pilot and the Flex. I personally don't want to drive either of those.

Sent from my Galaxy Exhibit using Car-Seat.Org


New member
Is it possible to remove one of the second row seats, or will it still leave the track in the way? We're looking for something with a third row, but that we can remove one of the captains chairs in the middle, and leave a smooth/trip-free floor.


New member
Is it possible to remove one of the second row seats, or will it still leave the track in the way? We're looking for something with a third row, but that we can remove one of the captains chairs in the middle, and leave a smooth/trip-free floor.

No, the captains chairs only fold. They don't come out or stow neatly into the floor.


New member
I had a 2008 5 for about a year. LOVED IT. Not sure what spec changes they've made to the newer models, but with the third row in use in my model year, there was VERY LITTLE cargo. I only had two kids at the time, so it wasn't a big deal, really. I preferred not to fold down the 3rd row -- the only stroller I had luck getting back there was a Chicco Capri umbrella. I know people have taken the wheels of BJCMDs and gotten them back there, too.

We comfortably took a road trip when I was pregnant with #3 and had plenty of space with the third row down, but on the way home, we realized it would never cut it once #3 was born, so -- no joke -- we traded the 5 in for another fullsize minivan on the way home from the road trip.:p

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