Luftikid? (inflatable car seat)


Jennifer mom to my 7

Well-known member
That is the one that did nothing to actually protect a kid in a crash. There are test results on the aoemt? site I think. I know there are inflatable ones available for use in ambulances and such, true 5 point ones.


New member
Do you have a link for the tests it failed? I couldn't find anything on Google although it makes sense that there must be something wrong with it or we'd be seeing more like this. Not to mention I agree that it just doesn't look safe with only the seatbelt holding everything in place, more like an inflatable booster seat but approved for 9 months and up.

It past all the tests for Germany and the EU and it looks like since I wrote my original post they've come out with a new model that can be used in both cars and planes.

I can't imagine my DS actually being willing to sit in it...


New member
Thanks! I clicked around on their website for awhile and they said that this seat completely failed their side-impact crash test and that they think in a side-impact crash the child would be seriously injured. They said that the EU approval only requires front-impact crash tests. So that's probably what you were remembering.

I should have been googling in Germany. :)

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