lightweight infant seat practical recommendations


New member
I'm a Grandma foster mom, looking to get a new infant car seat. Priority 1 is light weight. Other priorities are desire for no thread harness so picking up a baby at any hour of the day is less complicated, and ease of removing seatcover for washing is helpful. I love the zip off idea, but Chicco seems heavier than what I want. I drive a Sienna, and install would be behind driver seat. If anyone has ideas how to save money with coupons or other ideas, that's helpful... I've been looking at the Aria, but it's so new I would like practical reviews from users before going that route. Majority of our placements are newborns, so extended weight limit isn't important. Appreciate any advice you have.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
My advice would be that lightweight doesn't usually go with non-rethread, unfortunately. The Evenflo LiteMax fits even very small babies, has great positioning for newborns, and is cheap- but it doesn't offer non-rethread.

In terms of fuller featured seats, the Clek Lling is one of the lighter seats that offers a lot of "extras." (It does fit most babies well as well.) It's one of the most expensive on the market though!

But there's also the issue of fitting in the car- if you're installing behind the driver you may need a more compact front to back seat.

And I would remind you that babies should spend the minimum time possible in the car seat. So if you are thinking that you live somewhere very cold and will need to carry baby out in the seat covered with a blanket for warmth, that's a valid reason to prioritize light weight- but if you envision using the car seat in the stroller while out and about, I would strongly discourage that, and suggest getting whatever seat works best in other ways, and just leaving it in the vehicle most of the time so you don't have to worry about how much it weighs.


CPST Instructor
My advice would be that lightweight doesn't usually go with non-rethread, unfortunately. The Evenflo LiteMax fits even very small babies, has great positioning for newborns, and is cheap- but it doesn't offer non-rethread.
THE LiteMax DLX has a no-rethread harness! I’m not sure it is still in production but as of right now I see one on Amazon for $199.

it is not as light as the other versions but it isn’t crazy heavy either. I think it would be a solid choice for you, and has the advantage that it can be adjusted for a VERY small preemie if necessary.

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