Let's talk (Canadian) boosters


Active member
So, my oldest is 40lbs now. She's a month shy of six, fairly petite but starting to get awfully close to outgrowing the harnesses in her convertible seats. I do not believe that maturity will be an issue.

Let's talk boosters.

New Parkways? When are they expected out?

Have they improved the belt guide on the Monterey's?

DH and I are looking to hopefully add to our family, so at some point I may need 3 across in a Ford Fusion. I would also like something that may work in the 3rd row of a Dodge Grand Caravan. We have 3pt harnesses and head restraints in all vehicles that the kids frequent.

Will probably get a TB for my mom's truck soon, and move the 3 year old to the Maestro.


New member
The Monteray is not 3 across friendly in High back mode. It is a very wide booster, and if your daughter has a more slim/tall build it wont be the best fit. My Petite slim build daughter fits much better in the Parkway SG that we have as opposed to her chunky brother who fits much better in the Monteray.

Hope that makes sense!


New member
Well, the base of the Monterey is pretty narrow, so if your 3across includes RFg seats, it can work. It just depends

And my super skinny, long torso'd DD1 fit way better in the Monterey than the PW. Unfortunately, we had to ditch the Monterey due to the headrest issue


New member
What year is your caravan? I have a 2002.

I've had nothing but trouble with boosters in mine. In the captain chairs, the head restraints tilt forward, pushing the booster away from the vehicle seat. So I have to remove them for boosters. The Monterey requires vehicle head support, so it can't be used. I have my daughter in a parkway SGL and it works nicely (no vehicle headrest).

In the 3rd row, no boosters allow the seatbelt the glide smoothly. The parkway is ok but retracts very slowly, and tips towards the centre of the vehicle, which eventually pushes her out of position. So I use it back there in a pinch, but not for regular use.

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Active member
The Monteray is not 3 across friendly in High back mode. It is a very wide booster, and if your daughter has a more slim/tall build it wont be the best fit. My Petite slim build daughter fits much better in the Parkway SG that we have as opposed to her chunky brother who fits much better in the Monteray.

Hope that makes sense!

She's quite narrow through the shoulders. Likely narrower then my 3 year old. I am seriously looking at the Parkway for her but she would want it in Livia which I haven't seen stock of anywhere.

What year is your caravan? I have a 2002.

I've had nothing but trouble with boosters in mine. In the captain chairs, the head restraints tilt forward, pushing the booster away from the vehicle seat. So I have to remove them for boosters. The Monterey requires vehicle head support, so it can't be used. I have my daughter in a parkway SGL and it works nicely (no vehicle headrest).

In the 3rd row, no boosters allow the seatbelt the glide smoothly. The parkway is ok but retracts very slowly, and tips towards the centre of the vehicle, which eventually pushes her out of position. So I use it back there in a pinch, but not for regular use.

Sent from my iPod touch using Car-Seat.Org

It's a 2012. We expect to have it a while. The seat belt sits a bit off my shoulder when I ride in the 3rd row, so yeah -- that could be trouble. If/when we have a 3rd I might just toss DD2 back there if I can't get something to work nicely. I just like keeping my options open.

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