keeping or returning car seats?


Hi all,

I've had some trouble with the new Peg Convertibles (a big thanks to everyone who helped me with the strap issues yesterday.)

Here's the thing - they now seem safe, assuming I don't need to add a noodle. (The car seat tech who installed them told me it was safer not to add a noodle b/c they weren't that unlevel. Seat Photos/0450ef0d.jpg is a link to a photo - I've already posted in the installation thread about this.)

However, I got them a week ago, and my kids don't seem comfortable. They are just a little fussy on short trips, lots of crying on big trips. We are planning a long car trip (10 hours each way) on Friday, so if I'm going to make a change, it needs to be in the next few days. (Also, the store only gives you 14 days for returns... and I might lose 20% b/c they are used.)

The car seat tech (who also owns the store where I bought them) said it often takes kids a while to adjust to a new seat. I never saw this with my older daughter moving to her Britax Advocate CS. And, in a bizzare twist, I ended up putting my son in a borrowed Recaro ProRide for a few days, and he settled in immediately.

Any thoughts? I love the safety features of the Peg, and it's easier for me to get the kids in and out than the Recaro, but I want happy kids in the car. I'm reluctant to explore anything but the Recaro b/c I've seen my fussiest kid be so happy in it.



Carseat Crankypants
If you have bought it and used it, and it is not defective, returning it because you changed your mind is unethical IMO. Sell it on craigslist if you would prefer a different seat.


New member
I don't think it's unethical if a store allows you to return for any reason. I'd do what you feel comfortable with but the recaro won't last you as long as some other cheaper seats.

That said, if the store will let you and you really want new seats, go for it. Just know it may not solve every issue... Children can be fickle;)


The store allows returns for 2 weeks for any reason and takes 20% off, so I don't think it's unethical. My question was if other people have had kids take a long time to adjust to a new car seat, or if I should concede this isn't the right seat for my kids, regardless of how much I love it?


New member
If I was in your shoes, I would keep the seats. My kids have both gone through phases of not liking being in their seats and it has been just that, a phase. Unless there was something clearly obvious as to why the seats were "uncomfortable", then I would keep.

Have you called Peg and asked if you could remove the infant wedge? If I remember correctly, your kiddos are close to the weight limit of using it and maybe the angle without would make it more comfy for them. As long as the harness still come from at or below their shoulders rearfacing without, it might be worth looking into its removal.

Any soft toys or soft mirror that would help with their distraction while in the seats?

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