Question Is this recline okay for a newborn?


New member
We're planning to put the new baby in an EFTA from birth. I installed it today and I just cannot tell if I managed to get the appropriate 45 degree recline angle. Can someone tell me if it looks okay? Thanks!




An Aurora

Senior Community Member
At first it looked a little too reclined, but tilting my head to match the angle that the window is at, it looks good. If you park on a flat spot it's easier to tell ;)


Well-known member
It is over reclined. The arrow on the side needs to be level to the ground. The way the ETFA is shaped, where a newborn's head rests it is 45*. Where the older child's head rests it's more upright.


New member
Is the seat tethered or are my eyes playing tricks on me? I can't quite tell.

If it is, Evenflo doesn't allow RF tethering, so, OP, you'll have to disconnect and store your tether strap.:)

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
You are seeing a RF tether, yes, but it's the Radian that's hiding behind the EFTA (you can see the Radian in the last pic, taken from the other side) :) You can see the tether on the EFTA clipped to it's little storage place on the top of the back of the seat.


New member
You are seeing a RF tether, yes, but it's the Radian that's hiding behind the EFTA (you can see the Radian in the last pic, taken from the other side) :) You can see the tether on the EFTA clipped to it's little storage place on the top of the back of the seat.
Ah, indeed!:p Guess that would be why it didn't quite look right and I thought my eyes were playing games. Duh.


New member
Is the seat tethered or are my eyes playing tricks on me? I can't quite tell.

If it is, Evenflo doesn't allow RF tethering, so, OP, you'll have to disconnect and store your tether strap.:)

You aren't the only one who thought you saw that. But then I saw that the tether is clipped to the seat still.

I know in my RFing pics of Sophie in the TrueFit I had a friend ask if it was tethered. Just from the strap hanging she thought it was. It's not. ;)

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