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Admin - CPST Instructor
Staff member
Hello and welcome! :)

We love to answer your questions about child passenger safety here. Because we want to make it easy for you to post your question and receive a timely answer, we allow posting from unregistered guests. Sometimes as newbies, it's unclear to you how things work around our forums--I know that when I visit a new forum, it takes me a while to figure things out :).

When you start a new thread with your question, above the box where you type your question is a field for the Thread Title. Please use that field to type a description for your question, not a screen name or user name you'd like to use.

Next is the large box where you can ask your question. Please be as specific as possible. If you are looking for advice regarding a child or vehicle fitment, please include the make/model/year of the vehicle(s) and the age/weight/height of the child(ren).

Below you will find a "Name:" box. You may use your first name or anonymous username. Please DO NOT use your email address or full name.

Finally, there is "Verification:" This is an easy quiz. The answer is a number, usually a sum you add from the quiz question. The answer might be "One", "2", "THREE", "four", "Five" in word or numeric form. It can be capitalized or lower case, it does not matter.

I encourage you to register an account with us as this will help you keep track of your questions more easily and it will allow you to reply without being "stuck" in our moderation queue. Registration also allows you to search for your thread more easily should it be moved by a moderator and you will have access to private messages so we can contact you if there is a problem. Registered members do not have to enter a Name or Verification quiz each time they post. Please click on the following link to learn about how to register at our forums, what to do if you cannot register and why your post did not appear.


You may also review our Terms of Service and forum Guidelines here:


Thanks for stopping by!
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You must read your carseat and vehicle owner’s manual and understand any relevant state laws. These are the rules you must follow to restrain your children safely. All opinions at Car-Seat.Org are those of the individual author for informational purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect any policy or position of Carseat Media LLC. Car-Seat.Org makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. If you are unsure about information provided to you, please visit a local certified technician. Before posting or using our website you must read and agree to our TERMS.

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