Hypotonia harnest booster for largerlm



I have a rather large two-and-a-half-year-old she weighs 44lb and is 39 in tall he is over 99th percentile. He is hypotonia but we are in process of determining why. He currently is in a evenflo maestro harnest booster. I am not happy with the seat. It is low profile which helps to get him in and out but the seat pad pops off and it is not very padded and he is already in second from top slot!!! I am at a loss. I dont know what wpuld be a good fit since I need something more reclined ff due to his floppiness. When he falls asleep he loos so uncomfortable and head hangs. We do travel quite a bit due to rural area and appt 1+ away. Anyone that can help I would glady appreciate it thanks!


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
If the MyFit at the maximum allowed recline doesn't work, a Graco Extend2Fit rear facing could be a temporary solution until he hits 50 lbs; that would give you time to arrange for a special needs harness seat.

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