Hybrid cars


Admin - CPST Instructor
Staff member
Are the only hybrids available the Prius and the Civic? Anything more high-end, like a Lexus or Volvo available now or in the near future?


Admin - CPS Technician
As far as I've been following, proud Prius owner that I am, no...nothing quite yet (though, darn it to heck, the Prius will be a Camry-sized hatchback for 2004 with even better gas-mileage, rather than the Echo-with-a-rear-spoiler that it is now). Ford Escapes and Rav-4's are in the works (I saw a hybrid escape...it on the road...it must've been a "tester"?).
I'll keep an eye out on what's coming and share any news...and I hope everyone else will, too!
I LOVE my hybrid....it even makes driving in heavy traffic feel kind of fun...you can put the motor in "engine braking" mode, and can glide through bumper to bumper stuff without even hitting your brakes...and of course we call it the "stealth car"...DH drives into the driveway and we never hear him.
Hmmm, can you tell I'm in love? I would LOVE a hybrid minivan :)

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