How long would my 3yo fit in a Radian??


New member
I currently have a 3-1/2 yo in a Regent and a 6-1/2 yo in a HBB (Graco). (Also a 9yo in a HBB, and a 12yo.) I would really like to put the 6yo back in a harnessed seat, and my dh is very, very close to being convinced. I drive an '05 Honda Odyssey, and my dh drives a'92 Dodge Dakota (though the 3yo has never ridden in it, and the 6yo very rarely rides in it). I was thinking that my first, and more preferable option, would be to get another Regent for the 6yo. I understand there are a couple of places that have the classic print in stock. The other option I can think of, which may or may not work, is to get a Radian for the 3yo, and give her Regent to the 6yo (manuf. date June '06, I think). Then, when the 3yo outgrows the Radian, she could have the Regent back. Problems with this option are: 1) the 3yo loves her blue flowered Regent, and doesn't want to give it up; 2) I'm not sure where the Radians are in stock; and 3) the biggest problem... I don't know if the 3yo will fit in the Radian long enough height-wise to make it worth it. I would really prefer to have my 6yo harnessed for 3 more years, if possible (at least 2 more years), and I don't know if my 3yo will last that long in the Radian. When I measured a few weeks ago, her height was 40", with a 15-1/4" torso height (weight 40 lbs.). (The 6yo is 52 lbs., 47-3/4" tall, 17" torso height.) The 3yo's Regent is installed with the recline bar, and she is probably half-way between the 2nd & 3rd slots (harness is in the 3rd slots). When I've tried her in the Marathon at Target for comparison (setting on the floor), she is even with the top slots, and her shoulders are too wide for the seat. She was even with the 2nd slots of the Regent when we got it in September, so she seems to have grown a lot during that time. I don't know how much she's going to grow in the next few years, obviously.

So, what are the top harness slot measurements for the Radian, as opposed to the Marathon and Regent? Opinions on Radian vs. Regent? Any other options I should consider that are cheaper than the Regent? Oh, and we don't have any younger children to pass a seat down to, but there's always the option of selling an outgrown seat or passing it down to a cousin, if it has some good life left in it.



Senior Community Member
Hi - there's a very extensive thread about the Radian under the carseats review thread. We just ordered one and I went and measured the slots just now:

- 13.75": 2nd to top slot
- 16.5": top slot

Does this help? Of course, others may get slightly different measurements...


Edit: I measured the slots as they come through the cover, not the slots as they come through the seat - those seem to be about 1/2" higher.


Active member
Plus, Russ there at Radian told me that they are changing the manual of the Radian to state that even if the child's shoulders are above the top slots of the seat, it is still usable until their ears reach the top of the seat should last even longer...


Senior Community Member
The Radian has 18 inch top slos, 15 inch second to top slots.

They must all differ, then. I just re-measured mine two more times and I'm getting the top slot (not the cover slot) at 17" - and that's really pushing it. Anyone else have any measurements?

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Admin - CPS Technician
I just got 17 with the cover and padding on. I bet in the naked seat shell it might be 18, but since the seat is used with the cover on, that's probably a more accurate measure?


New member
And the way kids seem to fit it compared to a Marathon, the Radian seems to offer about an inch over the Marathon.

I think you can plan on 2-3 years in a Radian for the 3yo. Maybe more with them allowing shoulders over top slots.


Senior Community Member
mine is 17 also... about 1 inch more then the marathon, we just recently moved abby's up to the top slots b/c she was getting to be just a hair over the second to the top slots. I'm really hoping to get her to stay in it for about 2 more years, she's 4 years 7 months, if she makes it to 6 i'll be happy but she might not get that long if allie keeps gaining weight she'll need it b/c she'll out grow the 40lbs scenera before abby out grows the hight in the radian :( not sure what i'll do then.


Senior Community Member
Yeah, the Radian has about 1" higher slots than the MA. AJ has about 2.5" left in the Radian w/ about a 15" or a little longer torso. He'd need the 3rd slots on the Regent, but just barely. I have some pics of him in the Radian if need be.


New member
Hmmm, I assumed they were 18 inches because that is what the website said. I think that our ultra cargo had 17 inch top slots and ds was 1 inch lower than the slots when he outgrew the harness by weight. In the radian ds has about 2-2.5 inches left before he reaches the top slots. I guess that the way he sits in the radian makes the top slots seem higher up and gives him more room.


New member
musicmaj--yep, that's what I figure, too. It seems most kids who outgrow the MA still have an inch or so in the Radian, and since everyone says the MA has 17 inch top slots, the Radian's fit like 18 inch top slots. Though my Futura has 17 inch top slots and dd was too tall for a MA months ago and still barely fits her Futura.


New member
Thank you for your input, everyone. I'm still not sure if my 3yo would get a full 2-3 years use out of the Radian, considering the amount of torso growth she's had just since September (from even with the 2nd slots on the Regent to halfway between the 2nd and 3rd slots). So, I made a list of pros for each seat, from my perspective. The choice is between the 3yo keeping her Regent and the 6yo getting a new Regent, or the 3yo getting a Radian and giving her Regent to the 6yo until the 6yo outgrows it (or the 3yo outgrows the Radian).

Pros for Regent (approx. 20" top slots, harnesses to 80 lbs)
1) We know that it fits both of our cars, and which seats it fits in (plus, I've had lots of practice installing it now, since I tried it out in all of the seating positions).
2) It will fit our 3yo longer (we will definitely be able to get the 2-3 years out of it that our 6yo will likely last in the Regent).
3) It gives better sleep support, due to the deeper sides (from what I can tell from pictures posted here).
4) 3yo loves her blue flower Regent, and doesn't want to give it to big sis.

Pros for Radian (approx. 18" top slots, harnesses to 65 lbs)
1) It's $70 cheaper.
2) It's probably more available/easier to find.
3) It's narrower--we could maybe possibly fit 3 across in the back seat of the Odyssey or in the Dodge truck, assuming we can get it installed.
4) It can be used on an airplane (though the kids and I haven't flown in years anyway).

Did I miss anything? Anymore thoughts? Thank you for your advice so far. I know this isn't vital, like helping people whose kids are currently in unsafe seats, but I do appreciate your input very much. (And I'm very excited that I get to buy a harnessed seat for my 6yo :) )



New member
And the way kids seem to fit it compared to a Marathon, the Radian seems to offer about an inch over the Marathon.

I think you can plan on 2-3 years in a Radian for the 3yo. Maybe more with them allowing shoulders over top slots.

Jenny, I'm confused--in another thread you said, referring to a different child who is a similar age and height to mine, but lighter, "If she's really only got half an inch till she's even with the MA's top slots then the Recaro Young Sport and Radian won't offer her much more time. The Radian, maybe 1-2 years."

My 3yo is even with the top slots of a Marathon, if I sit it on the floor at Target. Is this not an accurate way to measure it? Maybe it's way different installed in a car??


New member
Are you sure she's just 40 inches with a 15.25" torso, then? I can't imagine a child of that height and torso height being even with the top slots of the MA! Did you make sure you were looking at the actual slots in the seat, and not the seat cover? I was basing my judgment on the 40 inches tall/15.25 inch torso height measurements. If she is really even with the top slots of the MA then she probably only has 1-2 years in a Radian, going by "shoulders even with top slots" (which Sunshine Kids is apparently changing).


New member
My 5.5 year old is 48.5 inches tall with a torso height of about 17.5 inches (just measured but he didn't really want to sit down for the torso height so I might be about .5 off) and he just outgrew his marathon, by height.


New member
I will go to Target today and double check how she fits in the Marathon. It is just sitting on the floor though, not installed in a vehicle, so maybe that makes a huge difference? I'll take some pictures too, and try to finish off my roll of film so that I can get those and the pictures of her in her Regent developed. :)

Are you sure she's just 40 inches with a 15.25" torso, then? I can't imagine a child of that height and torso height being even with the top slots of the MA! Did you make sure you were looking at the actual slots in the seat, and not the seat cover? I was basing my judgment on the 40 inches tall/15.25 inch torso height measurements. If she is really even with the top slots of the MA then she probably only has 1-2 years in a Radian, going by "shoulders even with top slots" (which Sunshine Kids is apparently changing).


New member
You're right, I goofed! :eek: I was at Target today and tried 3yo in the Marathon again, after adjusting the harness straps to the highest slot, and she was a bit over the 3rd slots, not even with the 4th slots as I had thought. Maybe she was sitting funny last time.

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