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Boden has some hooded terry cover-ups, but they're also expensive. I'm waiting for end-of-season clearance to go down a bit lower.
If you sew at all, a hooded towel is pretty simple to make.
We have the shark one from Carter's, I think. It belonged to DS when he was a bit smaller. DD is swamped in it, but loves it.
I also have the Jumping Beans towels. Some I have had since the oldest kids were about a year old and they are still holding up. The kids at age 6 still use them and they still "fit" them! I also bought a few more last year during Black Friday when they were dirt cheap at $7.99! They are on sale for $14.99 right now and there is a 15% off coupon too.
We have the Jumping Beans brand ones. I got them at Kohls last year on Black Friday for ridiculously cheap. They fit my nearly 3 yr old and five year old. I see them on amazon as well. Not as soft as lands end towels but my kids don't seem to care.
IKEA has them! My 6 year old has used hers daily for 3 or 4 years now. I can't find them on the website, but was there less than 2 weeks ago & they had them in store.
IKEA has them! My 6 year old has used hers daily for 3 or 4 years now. I can't find them on the website, but was there less than 2 weeks ago & they had them in store.
A tutorial on how to make them:
Another tutorial:
Will snatch some up on Black Friday for gifts! Thanks for the link. I want the moster one but DS just ran from the room screaming when I showed it to him. DH scared him by reading a picture book about the Polyphemus story at bedtime.He is going to love the dinosaur one though.
I just took a look at those towels and see that they have a much bigger selection than when I first bought them. Ethan & Chase love them so I bought some for them last year but Chase would LOVE the pirate one (he is a big Jake fan) so I might have to add that to my list.
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