Honda civic harness booster



Looking to see if anyone has any experience installing a harness booster in their 2022 - 2024 model civic. My husband got one for his work vehicle. But we are putting carseats in just just in case of emergency, the kids won't really ride in it.

Our chicco fit 4 fits, but its tight. My friend gave us a graci tranzitions harness booster to try and we have more leg room and room for passenger as well but we cannot get a good install because of the angle of the car.

We have to buy one anyway, just trying to see if anyone has any experience before I try other seats.

My daughter is 4 and is too tall to rear face, but not yet 40 pounds to do a regular booster.


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Looking to see if anyone has any experience installing a harness booster in their 2022 - 2024 model civic. My husband got one for his work vehicle. But we are putting carseats in just just in case of emergency, the kids won't really ride in it.

Our chicco fit 4 fits, but its tight. My friend gave us a graci tranzitions harness booster to try and we have more leg room and room for passenger as well but we cannot get a good install because of the angle of the car.

We have to buy one anyway, just trying to see if anyone has any experience before I try other seats.

My daughter is 4 and is too tall to rear face, but not yet 40 pounds to do a regular booster.
Hi. The Tranzitions is a really difficult carseat to install, so I'm not surprised. There aren't too many options from which to choose in this class of carseat: Britax Grow With You, Chicco MyFit, Evenflo Maestro, and Graco Nautilus are about it. I'd go for the one of the Nautilus models since they tend to be more compatible with tilt-forward vehicle head restraints.

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