High back boosters... Which one? I'm so lost


New member
Ok, the time has come to get Dd1 a booster.. she is 5yr old, 40 lbs and tall for her age. It will just be used as a spare cuz I'm tired of moving her Frontier (main seat) but I'm not sure where to start shopping. I can't spend alot right now, it will be in Dh's car and or moved around if my sister takes her to school (1mi drive, 30mph road). Thanks for the help


New member
graco turbobooster, harmony dreamtime, or evenflo amp highback all good choices, whichever fits the vehicle and the kid best.


New member
If you can swing it, I'd try to get a probooster or vivo. The sip is awesome :) Amp looks neat and was $35 at Shopko last week. Turbo is always a trusty backup too. My kids slumped right out of it when they fell asleep though.

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