Hey! Can't believe I have never been on this site.
What a great community! 
So I have a few questions - currently - we have a toyota camry with the car seats in them. Plans to get a van of some sort (honda more than likely - unless you mama's have some advice on vans to
DD is 3.5yr old, 30lb, and 38.5" and is currently in a RF Radian XTSL. DS2 is 15mo, 19lb, and 29" in a chicco keyfit 30. I need to get DS2 a seat asap before he his 30". What would you recommend? I do not like the Radian XTSL much. DD doesn't seem very comfy in it and it feels so hard, and the tightening mechanism RF on that thing irritates the heck out of me and dh. I would assume its normal as I asked on a different forum here. So what else could I get him? Would like to get DD something new also and keep her RFing as long as possible. Any advice? Thanks in advance!
So I have a few questions - currently - we have a toyota camry with the car seats in them. Plans to get a van of some sort (honda more than likely - unless you mama's have some advice on vans to
DD is 3.5yr old, 30lb, and 38.5" and is currently in a RF Radian XTSL. DS2 is 15mo, 19lb, and 29" in a chicco keyfit 30. I need to get DS2 a seat asap before he his 30". What would you recommend? I do not like the Radian XTSL much. DD doesn't seem very comfy in it and it feels so hard, and the tightening mechanism RF on that thing irritates the heck out of me and dh. I would assume its normal as I asked on a different forum here. So what else could I get him? Would like to get DD something new also and keep her RFing as long as possible. Any advice? Thanks in advance!