Question Hey - New here! Few questions for you!


New member
Hey! Can't believe I have never been on this site. :eek: What a great community! :love:

So I have a few questions - currently - we have a toyota camry with the car seats in them. Plans to get a van of some sort (honda more than likely - unless you mama's have some advice on vans to :whistle:)
DD is 3.5yr old, 30lb, and 38.5" and is currently in a RF Radian XTSL. DS2 is 15mo, 19lb, and 29" in a chicco keyfit 30. I need to get DS2 a seat asap before he his 30". What would you recommend? I do not like the Radian XTSL much. DD doesn't seem very comfy in it and it feels so hard, and the tightening mechanism RF on that thing irritates the heck out of me and dh. I would assume its normal as I asked on a different forum here. So what else could I get him? Would like to get DD something new also and keep her RFing as long as possible. Any advice? Thanks in advance!


New member
If you have a RF Radian in there then I am assuming a Complete Air 65 will fit.
I have 2 and love them. The only issue would be choosing to ignore the 40 in RF limit if your kids got that tall before outgrowing it by weight. The CA has a really tall shell so it will last a long time RF. My 4 year old currently rides in one RF. Also the adjuster doesn't get burried, at least not on mine, so it is easy to adjust RF.
How much shell is left above your DS head on the Keyfit?


New member
I'm no tech, but I have a Graco My Ride 65 for my godson- 18 months and 30 pounds and he seems to be doing great in it. It has a 40 pound RF limit and 65 pounds FF.


Admin - CPS Technician
If you don't like the Radian, the Complete Air is similar in height and weight limit. If the reason you hate the Radian is because of the harness adjuster, though, you might dislike the Complete Air just as much. The adjuster is actually quite smooth, but it's a PITA in other ways. (I have both but will take tightening the Radian over the Complete Air any day.)

The Graco MyRide is typically a good choice. Not the tallest shell in the world, but if your child still fits in the KeyFit at 15 months, that's probably not an issue for you.

Lots of other good seats to consider these days.


Senior Community Member
Over all height is not a concern but the 1" of plastic above the head is. So that is why we would like to know how he is fitting. That is also why a pp commented about the complete air having a max height of 40" for rf. Most people go by the 1" rule.

Stefanie, cpst in iowa - mom to 4 great kids


New member
Since your 15mth old doesn't seem to be huge, you could go with a Britax Marathon 70 or Roundabout 55. I have the Marathon and love it. The harness adjuster is like butter and it fits nearly anywhere. It's shorter front to back than almost anything.


New member
Since your 15mth old doesn't seem to be huge, you could go with a Britax Marathon 70 or Roundabout 55. I have the Marathon and love it. The harness adjuster is like butter and it fits nearly anywhere. It's shorter front to back than almost anything.

Would you recommend a marathon 70 for DD also?


New member
Over all height is not a concern but the 1" of plastic above the head is. So that is why we would like to know how he is fitting. That is also why a pp commented about the complete air having a max height of 40" for rf. Most people go by the 1" rule.

Stefanie, cpst in iowa - mom to 4 great kids

There is about 1.5" above head to the top of the shell ;)


New member
So Marathon 70 would be good for DS2, what about DD?
I love how narrow the XTSL is....hmmmm maybe I should just suck it up - when I take the XTSL out to mess with it seems like the harness tightening strap is easier FF. Does anyone else think that the padding is minimal in those things though? I haven't owned alot of carseats - just it seems so hard. Seems there would be something comfier for the kids but similar in size etc. :confused:


New member
I just wanted to add I also hate the harness adjuster on my Radian. I finally gave up adjusting it. I let Matt, who is also 3, just get in and buckle his chest clip, then do it up. I don't adjust anymore. He slips out of his jacket in the car, and it's not a problem. It rarely needs tightening.


New member
I just wanted to add I also hate the harness adjuster on my Radian. I finally gave up adjusting it. I let Matt, who is also 3, just get in and buckle his chest clip, then do it up. I don't adjust anymore. He slips out of his jacket in the car, and it's not a problem. It rarely needs tightening.

Never really tried that. will have to


New member
I just wanted to add I also hate the harness adjuster on my Radian. I finally gave up adjusting it. I let Matt, who is also 3, just get in and buckle his chest clip, then do it up. I don't adjust anymore. He slips out of his jacket in the car, and it's not a problem. It rarely needs tightening.

Same here


New member
If you want to keep DD rf, then you would really have to try the MA70, as it is a shorter shell than the XTSL. We are using our MA70 rf and love it, but my DD is only 23mths, although she is 34lbs and 36" tall. She wears 2T pants and 3T shirts.


Car-Seat.Org Ambassador
My trick for tightening the Radian is to do it without the crotch buckle being buckled. If I tighten after buckling, it's very difficult, but if I tighten before buckling the crotch buckle, it makes it much easier. I don't have to do it too often (I don't tend to tighten or loosen straps very often with any of my seats), but when I do, I find that it works best.


New member
My trick for tightening the Radian is to do it without the crotch buckle being buckled. If I tighten after buckling, it's very difficult, but if I tighten before buckling the crotch buckle, it makes it much easier. I don't have to do it too often (I don't tend to tighten or loosen straps very often with any of my seats), but when I do, I find that it works best.

Def. going to try that

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