Help choosing seat for 3.5 year old


New member
I posted here a few weeks ago asking for narrow car seat recommendations. I received many wonderful suggestions and finally ordered a Foonf, but I wasn't able to get two car seats and an adult in the back of my 2010 VW Tiguan (which was the main goal at the time!). The Foonf didn't seem to puzzle well with either my Scenera or Triumph Advance. The Foonf went back because I just didn't love it, especially considering its price.

So, I'm looking for a new seat for my 3.5 year old daughter who is FFing. She is 39 inches tall, 22 inch torso height (to top of head), 34lbs and wears 4T/5T shirts. I like the Britax Frontier 90 because of the Click Tight installation. (Is it really as user friendly as it claims to be?). I also like the Recaro ProSport. I'd consider the Diono Radian, but I just think it looks less well protected (side impact especially) and I've read some concerning things about reported problems not being addressed/poor customer service. Can anyone recommend other alternatives?

My 10 month old is currently RFing in an Evenflo Triumph Advance. He is about 30 inches tall, 18 inch torso height (to top of head), 19lbs and wears 12-18 month onesies. I'd be willing to replace his seat too if we could find two seats that puzzle well enough together so an adult could sit in the back seat with both kids.

An important thing to note is that I live overseas and do not have access to any Techs to check my car seat install. (I drive a US spec vehicle though, so I need a US spec car seat.) So, it is really important that I get something that is easy to install properly.

Many thanks in advance for suggestions you can make!


New member
I'd do a frontier or something of the sorts. Haven't played with the click tight yet so I don't have any input but I did watch a vid on it and it looks pretty great. One thing I'd like to mention is that you will want to get a combination seat (ff and booster mode). If you were to get a convertible for your 3.5yo you're basically paying for something that you're not using (rf mode).

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