Help choosing booster for middle seat, second row Odyssey


New member
My children are 7, 4.5 and 1.5 years old. I drive a 2012 Honda Odyssey. I need a booster to fit in the center seat, second row.

The 7 year old currently rides outboard in a Britax Frotier (5 point harness), the 4.5 year old is in the center seat in a Diono Radian RXT (5 point harness) and the baby is outboard in an Evenflo Triumph (RFing). My 4.5 year old is outgrowing the harness of the Diono (he has a long torso) and the 7 year old desperately wants to ride in a belt positioning booster. She has been sitting in a booster in our secondary vehicle for short trips around town for about a year and a half and does just fine.

I want to move the 4.5 year old to the Britax Frotier, keep the baby in the Evenflo Triump RFing or in the Diono RFing. What booster will fit in the center seat, middle row of my Odyssey well? Can my 7 year old use a backless booster at this age? Or should she have high back booster?

Thanks for your help!
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CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
That seat doesn't do great with a backless booster unfortunately. The Maxi-Cosi Rodifix works there, though anything is difficult to buckle in that spot. You'd likely need something like the Lulabloc to hold the buckle up for longer term use.

An easier solution might be to put the rear-facing child center if you can find something to work (a radian won't work rear facing there.)

Be aware of the recall on the second row seats; you'll need to check that they are locked down each time a child rides in them. Until the recall is fixed you may want to move as many as possible to the third row seats.

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