Happy B-day, Ulrike



Happy B-day, Ulrike

Hope it was a good one:) And thanks for participating here. Enjoy the new doggie!


Thanks! =) [more]

As a cool "present" yesterday, I found out that the local thrift store has stopped selling used seats! They have a new manager. I don't know if she would have done it anyway or if she read the letter I wrote to the previous manager, but the decision has been made, and I'm THRILLED! :D

Also, I've been meaning to tell you that our version of the Pooh reading game does freeze occasionally. I haven't watched him play it enough to know if it's a certain action that does it or if it's just random. I do know that we can eject the CD and "cancel" the game (ctrl alt del doesn't work) and then restart the game instead of having to restart the whole computer. It's still annoying, but it's a little less time consuming that way.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. :)



A new sound card solved the crash problems we had. The sound no longer skips either. We had a card made for video editing, and it was not Microsoft DirectX compatible and didn't have hardware support for games either.

The only problems we have now are if he leaves it unattended and the screen saver starts. Alt-tab will get back to WIndows but the game is still stuck. Not a big hassle. He's mastered everything numerous times over, but I can't convince him to let me start it over so he can earn all the presents again....


LOL Roman starts a new game each time!

He likes to type his name, so instead of clicking his name in the list, he just retypes it again. :lol:

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