Graco Turbobooster replacement cover


New member
Anyone know where I can buy a replacement cover for a Graco Turbobooster?
I have a practically brand new one here bought in Sept 09, used twice then I stopped babysitting the child that it was purchased for.
Although it will only be a secondary seat for DH car, my son does not want to sit in a pink seat so I thought it might just be cheaper to replace the cover than the whole seat.

Thanks in advance.


New member
Graco sells replacement covers but I don't think you can get them anywhere else new. I think they are around $30 with shipping so you may be better off just buying a new seat.

As far as used covers you could check swap. You could also check your local craigslist. You may have to buy a used seat, but you could simply use the cover a destroy the seat.


New member
Swap board would probably be cheaper than ordering a replacement from Graco. Last I checked, which was a year ago, they were $29+shipping IIRC. But double check me before you take that as fact, because my brain doesn't work as well as it used to.

(I have a post up on swap for a replacement Turbobooster cover, also, if you're interested)


New member
i have a lizards if you are interested in a flat out cover trade, DD would love the pink cover, we are gonna start booster training her soon

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