Good Deal on a Pioneer?


Active member
I'm shopping ahead for a combination seat that won't get used until at least next summer, most likely. The only one I like that fits in my car is the Pioneer. Well, I am sure the Frontier and Pinnacle would fit the same, but they are way overkill for my petite LO!

LO got very excited about having a pink seat in the other brands, but current year Pioneers don't have a pink fashion, and Confetti is more purple than is desired. If I keep an eye out for a good sale in the next couple months, I would want to try to find a pink cover, which adds expense. Then I found this: I know this is last year's fashion, but I don't mind. Even 7 years of use will get LO to age 10.

Am I likely to find a better deal than $170 with a pink cover? How long is this likely to be available? Thanks!

Edit: What could I expect for a great Cyber Monday deal on a Pioneer with a current fashion?
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CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
I think you could probably get a slightly better price ($10 or so less) on a Pioneer at peak deal. I'm not sure about in the fashion you want.

So if you like this fashion and price I'd say go for it.


Active member
Thanks! Just when I thought this was the seat, V tells me she will want a different color when she is older and actually using the seat! I am hoping some info about the secret Chicco seat will come out before the big sales so I can make sure the Pioneer is what I really want. We have loved our Chicco seats, and I was sad when our NextFit was crashed out and I had to get the 4Ever.

Can you give me an idea of the lowest prices I might be able to expect on the Frontier and Pinnacle too? They might get into my budget with a really good sale, I think.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
I paid $190 for a Frontier when I bought one. That's about the lowest I've seen. I've seen $205 for the Pinnacle (though I got mine as an open box return at target for $135.)

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