Question Frontier v. ProSport v. Nautilus


Looking at moving my 3.5 to a harness to booster combo so I can move her britax advocate to my husband's car.

Looking at the reviews, it sounds like the Frontier has some problems with the seat belt installation, and her seat location lacks LATCH. I am leaning towards the recaro simply because it seems narrower- my daughter is small, so I don't think she will outgrow any of them, and it will be nice to have a narrower seat if I ever need to do a 3-across - say in a rental car. The only deal breaker is it must be pink - she ruled out the Argos based on "not enough pink."

Anyone with experience have any thoughts/ pros and cons? Thanks!


New member
I've only used the Nautilus and Frontier.

The Nautilus is easier to install and was easier for my DD to tighten herself and get herself out of it.

The Frontier she says is more comfortable - but she was also a fairly tall 6 yo with long legs when moving from the Nautilus to the Frontier.

She did have the head slump issue in the Nautilus when she would fall asleep. It never bothered her though.


I got a prosport over a frontier because it did work better for our 3 across (yes, slightly narrower). It is quite easy to install. We are very happy with it. :)


New member
I've only used the Nautilus and Frontier.

The Nautilus is easier to install and was easier for my DD to tighten herself and get herself out of it.

The Frontier she says is more comfortable - but she was also a fairly tall 6 yo with long legs when moving from the Nautilus to the Frontier.

She did have the head slump issue in the Nautilus when she would fall asleep. It never bothered her though.

Basically this. But we have no headslump in GN in my Grand Caravan.



Well-known member
I only have the ProSport and like it very much. We used it on our skinny minnie. She loved it. It installs super easy with LATCH. Seatbelt can interfere with the harness when it's adjusted to the top setting. Our almost 5 year old is still under 40 lbs so I never worried about it.


New member
The frontier long belt path is awesome and I really like it for seat belt installation. I have also had a Prosport in the past and liked it a lot as well. I have never used a Nauti myself but bought/installed one for my neighbor and she has a grand caravan and there will definitely not be any head slump issues because the seat is pretty reclined in that vehicle.


New member
I let DS1 try out both the ProSport and Frontier (Nautilus was not on hand that day) and he preferred the Frontier over the ProSport in terms of comfort. I went with the Frontier, and we have had no head slump issues at all. We had constant head slump in his Britax BLVD though.

I have been using the LATCH install for now, and have sound it really easy. I have looked at the seatbelt installs though, and in my car they don't look like they will be bad at all.


New member
I have all three, I can't make up my mind lol. I like prosport because it's a little narrower and works well in our three across, has deep side wings, no head slump, and installs quick and easy if I need to move it. The seatbelt can interfere with the harness, recaro is aware of that and they insist it isn't a problem. It depends on what harness height you're using and your seatbelts, my ds is on the top harness setting and it doesn't interefere at all in our car. The frontier, I like the lbp, it has lots of leg support and cupholders which the prosport lacks. It takes a little longer to install but it comes in cowmoo so it's worth it. The nautilus is easy to install also, we don't have headslump issues in gma's t&c, the crotch strap is a little short and bothers some boys, but you won't have that problem lol. The new buckle on the nautilus is hard and my ds or my nephew aren't able to buckle themselves like they can in the other seats. I asked ds1 what his favorite one is, he changes his mind almost as much as me and doesn't seem to care which one he's riding in.


New member
My daughter uses a Frontier and she used her cousins GN 1 time, needed it in a pinch, and she said she likes her "cow" seat better. The seatbelt interfering with the harness ruled out the ProSport for me since we will definatly end up needing the highest harness setting.


We have a ProSport, and have the harness interference thing on the next-to-top setting if I install with a seatbelt, depending on the seating location. I have adjustable seatbelts outboard, so that might help.I'm not worried about it because it tightens properly, with no slack in the other side. If I were to use it that way all the time, I'd unhook that side of the harness, let the seatbelt slide between, then re-hook it before I installed (a Recaro-approved method).

I love the PS. I have my friend's Regent, and decided to put it in DH's car and leave it there, because I prefer the PS. Recaro's CS has been great, sending me a longer harness (the new ones come with) and the wedge to fill the space between the LATCH strap and the shell. DS finds it comfy, and can buckle and tighten it himself.

I got the PS from a tech here, and it had the Hanna cover when I got it. I loved it so much I *almost* decided to keep it for my DS. It was an easy wipe-clean cover, and the pink is very pretty. I'm now coveting a Riley cover for DS, and eventually DD. The purple is just so nice and our local football team, that DH played for, are purple and gray, so purple is totally acceptable on boys here.


Jess - this is the first I've heard of the ps needing a wedge - can you explain? Thanks!

It doesn't *need* one. DS used it without one for a year or more. Because of the open belt path, the seat belt or LATCH strap doesn't lay flat against the shell of the seat. There's a little gap there, and I can see where it might be uncomfortable. Recaro made a little curved foam wedge that just fills that gap.


Well-known member
I have a FR85 and Nauti. DD1 prefers the FR85 because it is more comfy, but overall she likes both very much.

I love the lbp on the FR85. The Nauti has been very easy to install as well.

I got amazing deals on both, so price didn't even factor in ($95 for the FR85 and $13ish or $23, can't remember lol for the Nauti - both brand new by the way and unopened). But, I do think the FR85 is a lot of money when the Nauti is a close second and much cheaper.

I've never played with a Recaro seat except the Start, sadly.

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