Looking at moving my 3.5 to a harness to booster combo so I can move her britax advocate to my husband's car.
Looking at the reviews, it sounds like the Frontier has some problems with the seat belt installation, and her seat location lacks LATCH. I am leaning towards the recaro simply because it seems narrower- my daughter is small, so I don't think she will outgrow any of them, and it will be nice to have a narrower seat if I ever need to do a 3-across - say in a rental car. The only deal breaker is it must be pink - she ruled out the Argos based on "not enough pink."
Anyone with experience have any thoughts/ pros and cons? Thanks!
Looking at the reviews, it sounds like the Frontier has some problems with the seat belt installation, and her seat location lacks LATCH. I am leaning towards the recaro simply because it seems narrower- my daughter is small, so I don't think she will outgrow any of them, and it will be nice to have a narrower seat if I ever need to do a 3-across - say in a rental car. The only deal breaker is it must be pink - she ruled out the Argos based on "not enough pink."
Anyone with experience have any thoughts/ pros and cons? Thanks!