News Forumrunner Car-Seat.Org App Ending - Please use Tapatalk


Ambassador - CPS Technician
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

It's an iOS app that let's you test alpha/beta version of other apps that aren't yet in the App Store.

Yes, wss!

I have never used it before, nor even heard of it. Was a snap to download, then I dl the special beta version of Tapatalk. Icon for TT looks normal but there's an orange dot next to it.

And so far, no bugs! This is a new record, usually in an average 8 hour day I lose CMC and SCM several times...but not today!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Ambassador - CPS Technician
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

Two days of use, no issues!

Trying to figure out how I tell TT to please release this for the rest of you!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Admin - Webmaster
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

Tapatalk server plugin was updated to version 4.9 earlier today.

This should not cause any changes or other issues, but please report any problems here.

If you have an older version of the Android/Apple app, you may need to update if there are compatibility issues.


Admin - Webmaster
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

Tapatalk was updated on the server today for a bug fix. Please report if you observe any unusual issues. I do not believe there is an app update at this time.


Admin - Webmaster
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

Tapatalk was just updated to the latest forum version (4.10.1).

Reports are that the newest iOS 9 has additional incompatibility issues with the original Car-Seat.Org (Forumrunner) app. I recommend that all users plan to move to Tapatalk before the end of 2015 if at all possible. You may also use the "SmartPhone & Mobile Friendly" skin in a mobile browser like Chrome or Safari:


Admin - Webmaster
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

Tapatalk was updated to the latest version, with various bug fixes and updates.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

I have updated to the latest forum Tapatalk plugin.

Unfortunately, the tapatalk app download pop-ups and banners are even more of a nuisance now than before.

I have paid Tapatalk's new subscription fee that was supposed to allow removal of these, but so far it is not working.

If this issue isn't resolved soon, I will unfortunately have to end support for Tapatalk in the near future.

The new mobile style isn't the greatest, but it is workable. I will give Tapatalk a little time to fix this issue, but if they can't, or won't, I wanted to give Tapatalk users some warning before it is disabled.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

The Tapatalk issue is resolved for now.

Forumrunner will be removed at the end of 2017. If you are still using the old Car-Seat.Org app, please transition to Tapatalk or use the mobile style within the next 6 months.


Admin - Webmaster
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

Another reminder, the original Car-Seat.Org app based on ForumRunner will be phased out at the end of 2017. Please switch to Tapatalk or use the mobile style that should be shown automatically on mobile phone browsers.


Admin - Webmaster
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

BUMP. Forumrunner, the original Car-Seat.Org app, will no longer function as of December 31st, 2017. I believe as an older app, it will not work at all with iOS11 and possibly the upcoming Android versions as well.

Mobile users should download Tapatalk or use the mobile-friendly style that should be automatic when browsing the forum on a mobile browser.


Admin - Webmaster
Re: Tapatalk Mobile App Test + Forumrunner App Ending

Forumrunner, the original Car-Seat.Org app, will no longer function as of December 31st, 2017. I believe as an older app, it will not work at all with iOS11 and possibly the upcoming Android versions as well.

Mobile users should download Tapatalk from Apple or Google or use the mobile-friendly style that should be automatic when browsing the forum on a mobile browser or with this link bookmarked:

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