News Forum Security Updates and Testing Nov 12-13


Admin - Webmaster
There may be some security related updates performed over this weekend, Nov 12-13. This shouldn't cause any downtime. It may result in some security or privacy warnings until any issues are resolved, but these are not any indication that there is actually any problem with the website. In particular, external images posted from other websites may trigger a security warning in some browsers, or may not display at all in others. Please feel free to report issues here.


Admin - Webmaster
This downtime may occur Saturday or Sunday morning. I anticipate the forums will only be down for 15 minutes or so, but any issues caused by the update could persist for some time until corrected.


Admin - Webmaster
The update was completed this morning. You may experience warnings about "Only Secure Content is Displayed" or other similar issues about an insecure connection. This is not an actual problem, as is now secure and the server has no issues with privacy or security. This warning is caused because some content (like images hosted on photo sharing services and inserted with the IMG feature) is served by a third party website and may not yet be served via encrypted secure methods. Some browsers may block 3rd party hosted unencrypted images altogether. This is NOT a privacy or security concern and should be resolved over time. Until then, you may choose to display or not to display non-secure content. Either way is safe, but that content will not be encrypted, usually images sent from a photo sharing website.

Technically, doesn't need this level of encryption or security at all, since it's not a banking website and does not have any shopping or financial information transmitted. Even so, it is the trend and Apple and Google and others all encourage it even when it is not actually necessary.

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